Saturday, June 28, 2008
#1128 (1 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…have out from the library a set of audio discs called The Road to Dune, featuring Frank Herbert correspondence related to the writing of Dune, plus early versions. I’m more interested in what he had to say in letters, rather than slightly different versions, which seems like material for really heavy fans of the series, which I’m not.
…ran into a lady friend, C., outside the library. Friend, not lover, tho’ she may go there with me, but I’m not into her in that way. She’s always looking for bargains on the Internet – I once said I wanted goji berries, and she found a deal on them for me online. But Rainbow Grocery’s got organic ones in bulk that I like – soaked some last week before eating and that turned out very well – really got plump and juicy. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfberry - they’re also known as “wolfberries”. She has been living at the fairly high rent Fox Plaza apartment complex, but she’ll have to move soon. She mentioned some new smaller place that seems like a real come-down from Fox Plaza…
Then began the walk back to my crib – Juneteenth event in the plaza in front of City Hall – celebrates the day, I believe, when black folks in Texas learned of the end of slavery. Took a while for the news to move west back then, in the days long before instant communication. Didn’t have much money to spend, and wouldn’t have bought anything anyway. One vendor was selling the magnetic bracelets I’ve liked in the past, at ten dollars each! I can get them for four. And noted bundles of incense, such as the appropriate-for-the-event “Black Love”. I buy mine exclusively at the Fields Bookstore…
And on the way farther north, nearly run over by an asshole in a car. Shoulda pulled out my little digital voice recorder like a gun and made like Bronson…
Passed the Hemlock Tavern on Polk – reminded of friend A. – been meaning to see him there, or somewhere, soon. Have got a disc for him I bought on the street with a Robyn Hitchcock song on it, a musician he likes. He says he recently burned himself somehow, with food, I think, and is still recovering. Strange accident…
Then…back in my room. Read aloud some of Don Felder’s memoir of his
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time with the Eagles. A motivation book I have suggests reading things aloud in order to reinforce the material more. The author said Abraham Lincoln would do this with the daily newspaper each morning at an office he worked in – before his stint in the Oval Office – and bother his co-workers.
One of the Polk Street head shops has a rack of fantasy cards I like – one has a painting of a woman in a bra with hands on hips, miffed, as she talks to a dragon, a friendly one. What does this symbolize?
Stopped into a grocery store to buy something – I knew the place had higher prices than other ones I go to, but spent 89 cents on a can of Contadina organic tomato sauce, which if completely eaten and the label is correct provides 50% of the day’s requirements each for A and C.
Then turned on that Dune audio book. Slight changes in this early version of the story – the planet, Arrakis, is called “Dune World”, not simply “Dune”. And about spice: “It seemed everyone was using it these days.”
And had out from the library a DVD called “Maybe Logic”, about the ideas and work of Robert Anton Wilson. But couldn’t get my computer to run it, due to some digital copyright protection, so have to use a library DVD player. Might be good to revisit the man’s world of thought again…
And also had bought on the street for a dollar a copy of an Annie Lennox disc called Diva. I think the woman I used to live with had this. Liked the title of a song called “Money Can’t Buy It”. Me, so generally devoid of cash, can appreciate that idea…
Then after this, masturbated, to ejaculation. As differentiated from doing it without, which I sometimes do just for the feeling, and for the rousing of the energy. The sexual images involved having sex with some witch woman, who was, I guess, married, but did it with me to get back at the guy somehow for something. Am still considering an erotic short story of some kind – this storyline would work for that. Need to fill in details. Am wanting to write something a bit more worked on than this blog, which is satisfactory in terms of the non-fiction, extemporaneous style it represents. Thinking of calling this story “The Witching Hour”…the sex would involve that length of time. So, what specific details, that’s a question.
Friday, June 27, 2008
#1127 (1 of 1) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…one of the few items in my possession I’ve had for more than five years is a paperback copy of Shards of God, by Yippie leader Ed Sanders, a very Sixties satirical novel. Bought it cheap at the closing days sale of the great Aaben bookstore. Has some sentimental value for me for some reason. I tend to give things away, or leave ‘em when I move, but I’ve kept this…
Listened recently to David Allen Coe, a country singer I’m not too familiar with. He has several X-rated songs about cum stains on a pillow, and wanting to fuck a woman just one more time. Like standard country material, but stated explicitly, without a romantic overlay.
Found a copy of The Old Gringo, a novel by Carlos Fuentes, featuring Ambrose Bierce as a main character. Began it but couldn’t get into it. Have a Bierce biography out from the library that I’ve barely touched, plus a collection of fiction that I’ve also not attended to…and…continuing writerly:
street named after San Francisco writer Frank Norris near my new crib – haven’t read any of his work…http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Norris…says his work “evinces a socialist mentality…”
Have a copy of a listing of restaurants from San Francisco in the late Seventies. Most of the establishments mentioned are out of business, but the Hang Ah Tea Room in Chinatown is still there, and was there for many decades before the book came out, I believe. Was there once or twice…
Found at the library book store a pass for a free movie – reminded me of a guy in the hotel I used to be in who I helped a time or two get similar passes. Would have made the effort to get this new one to him, but the discourteous way he treated me made me do otherwise – not worthy of my generosity. His loss. Ran into another guy who’s a decent sort and passed the pass along to him. I wouldn’t say I’ve really been much hardened by my several years in the Tenderloin, but I think I am less tolerant of some, and it’s good that I am. Some simply don’t deserve my benevolence…
Sought some Mozart in the S.F. Public system the other day – a thousand-three-hundred-85 listings. Went through part of this and picked a few…listened to a multi-hour lecture on the musical genius by a university professor. But not sure if I really want to delve much into the music…
Thursday, June 26, 2008
#1126 (1 of 1) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…continuing to read a poem every day or so in the Charles Bukowski hardcover I bought at Fields a while back. One was about the card girls at boxing matches, the ladies in skimpy outfits who walk around the ring between rounds holding up numbers on cards. The point of the poem was that these girls got more attention from the fight fans than the boxers themselves, and Bukowski thought this was a ridiculous shame…
…was passing a friend’s hotel the other day on Geary and stopped to give him a call, but no answer. Woulda told him to look out the window to see me. Something wrong with his line. But he’s complained that I never call him, so at least I tried. He’s really into some Website with lists right now, and has sent me a few – latest was the most-spoken languages on the planet. English came in second, with Mandarin taking that linguistic cake. I e-mailed back that it’s not likely all those speakers can converse with themselves, tho’, taking into account dialects and regional differences…
Bought a Malaysian canned soy drink at a Tenderloin Asian market – clerk didn’t know the cost. Joked that it was a quarter. He only charged me sixty cents, maybe because I was a good customer when I lived across the street. Those puppies usually go for at least seventy-five.
Recent little run I did for my Odd Fellow brother Pete: take a box of legal papers to his certified public accountant in the classic Hobart Building on Market. Loud noise made us both wonder where it was from. I said it was a dance class in another part of the building. He said it sounded like gunfire. Later found out it was some musical event on the other side of Market.
Owen Smith is the artist for a series of posters based on The Maltese Falcon that are currently gracing kiosks along Market Street. Here’s a link: http://arttalk.theispot.net/index.php?topic=99158.0. One features Sam Spade telling treacherous Brigid O’Shaugnessy: “I’m gonna send you over…” – meaning, send her to prison. When over at the Hobart Building, thought it was very much the sort of place where Detective Spade would’ve had an office.
Took Muni back to the Odd Fellows Hall building – thought of a line: “The sexual and dietary habits of the lower orders.” This upon observing some of my fellow passengers, my fellow humanoids of San Francisco.
#1125 (1 of 1) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…Mother of Tears continues at the Lumiere – one of the few flicks there that I like. Most of the art house/Euro/Asian fare I can do without. Negative review in the latest Weekly. But I’m an Asia Argento fan, so she can do no wrong. Here’s a site with photos: http://www.actressarchives.com/asia/.
Stood in front of the Lumiere to read their posted write-up about the movie – says it’s based in part on something in Thomas de Quincey’s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. Here’s the text of that, or some of it: http://users.lycaeum.org/~sputnik/Ludlow/Texts/Opium/. Quote from the write-up: “Viewers who wander in unaware what’s in store will stagger out punch-drunk and wobbly.” Ditto – not for everyone…
Tenderloin touch in front of a Polk Gulch Walgreens: a Street Sheet seller. A few random black guys are in the area, sparechanging. Greener pasture…
Went into the Big Apple grocery store for a dollar hit of sliced turkey, one of my primary animal protein sources. Also, they’ve recently had cans of beans for 59 cents, so that’s a welcome bargain. Handling my money better so within the week, come my next download of ducats, I should be able to splurge on higher-priced protein. (Also nice for sale there, small Venus flytrap plants, speaking of consumers of animal protein…)
Billboard up for upcoming musical performances at the Alameda County Fair, including stalwarts War. Told a friend about this – he’s complained that the band used to play at the Stern Grove free concerts, but hasn’t lately. Also soon, an Eagles tribute band called Life in the Fast Lane. And Fastball, a “one-hit wonder”, I guess, who hit it big with “Out of My Head”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd2aeZhu9xY.
And…am being good about recycling in my new place – I collect cans and bottles and papers in my room, then take ‘em downstairs to the big bins…
Am getting some ideas about my sexuality from Made in Heaven, by Michael Lutin. Such as: “With you it’s immediate, instantaneous, chemical. When you spot somebody who triggers off your chemicals, it’s all over. You’re in love, and all you have to do is face it.” Also: “Your utter worship of your love objects makes you irresistible as a suitor – in business or personal life.”
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
#1124 (1 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…am continuing to be influenced by 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, by Steve Chandler. One of the hundred: “Think up some stories of who you’d like to be.” Am working somewhat in a fictional mode lately, apart from this non-fiction first-person form. Something sexual, that’s a story I’d like to see including myself. (Here’s a link: http://www.amazon.com/100-Ways-Motivate-Yourself-Forever/dp/1564147754?tag=dogpile-20 – have never used Amazon, or bought anything online – I’m still a believer in the archaic brick and mortar bookstore. But maybe that’s irrational…)
…was waiting on Mission for a bus the other day, and it took a real long time for one to come. I thought it was one of the busiest corridors in the city. Just an observation…
And an audio book I got into recently is The Game, by Neil Strauss, about the art of picking women up for immediate sex. Should look at the glossary again. A term is “peacocking” – wearing gaudy items of clothing in order to attract the female eye. Here’s a related site: http://www.seduction-chronicles.net/2007/12/04/peacocking-done-right/.
…U.N. Plaza farmers’ market the other day, bought two apricots for sixty-five cents. A better nutritional buy than a candy bar. And they weren’t too sweet, either. A good purchase, and in support of local farmers as well…
A thing I didn’t buy the other day, at the little store at the Grove Street entrance to the main library, a booklet with a lot of Gustav Klimt postcards. I like the guy’s style: see http://www.expo-klimt.com/. And for historical material: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Klimt.
And speaking of art, got a friend who can get me, on disc, Jim Steranko comic book art. Would like to look over the Nick Fury work he did for Marvel in the Sixties. Here’s a site that has ten of his fine works: http://www.samcci.comics.org/_artists/steranko.htm.
And another nice item at the library store I didn’t buy, a little witches’ book of spells that had a ribbon to tie it closed. Don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. My money situation’s getting better of late, so next time something I like appears, may just go for it, as with the Klimt cards. A lot worse things to buy for one’s buck…
#1124 (2 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
There was also some Shaolin workout book that I glanced through – a master doing exercises. I could get ideas from it. Picture of the guy putting his chin to his toe. A friend’s tai chi teacher was able to do that, but my friend didn’t necessarily think that was such a good thing. I feel the same – flexibility’s good, but that much?
And another thing from that Neil Strauss book about “the game” of picking up women: after a long time “playing”, fucking a lot of women, he came to the conclusion that it’s always the woman who chooses, and the guys can only put themselves out there. Although he advocates some serious mind games to get them to choose in his favor…
And another thing from the Chandler motivation book: “Every day is your masterpiece.” Meaning, each new day is a new start to make something great happen. I’ve listened to the audio book enough so that lines like this occur to me frequently, as this one did this morning…
…and a line for some fiction: “It helps if you’re stupid.” Maybe a line for a woman character. Perhaps a critical comment about a former boyfriend…
And was on a burger run for Odd Fellow brother Pete. The cook at the new Federal Building café on 7th near Mission was taking her good long time, and I thought: “She’s not breaking the world land speed burger record…” Have noticed this at another place Pete buys his burgers – just today, the guy took nearly ten minutes on one fuckin’ little burger! What’s up with that? Told Pete he should buy from Burger King instead. And that’s kind of saying a lot from me, who’s not into corporations, favoring the independent operators.
And an okay item at the Federal Building café, a serve-yourself salad bar priced at 36 cents an ounce, with dressing packets on the side not included in that cost. Trouble is, I’d like heavier items, like potato salad, so that might raise the cost quickly…and: funny spelling mistake in the salad bar sign: the selections were chosen “to entertain the pallet.”
And just missed an outdoor sale at the library, Larkin Street side – like I really need more books. Hardcore readers stood leaning over the tables trying to locate a final desired volume…
Monday, June 23, 2008
#1123 (1 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
...was on a little work assignment from Odd Fellow brother Pete to pick up something at a hardware store – had to call Pete to ask a question, had the clerk who was helping me talk to him – but the guy really had a major thing against cellphones, moved his head back in disgust when I offered mine to him. I’m aware of the pernicious effects of the electromagnetic device. I told the clerk that there are other devices to negate the negative effects, but he said that was bullshit…
…and saw at a bookstore an Edmund Spenser collection for under two bucks – quite a bit of weighty text for the money. A staple of undergraduate English lit survey classes. A whole lotta iambic pentameter. An old English queen on the cover – no, not Elton John! – probably Elizabeth. I believe the whole thing’s a symbolical tribute to her majesty…
An elevator guy at the Odd Fellows building at 26 7th at Market’s very into the A.A. as well as N.A. thing, told me there’s always a seat for me in the alcohol group. I thanked him for the consideration, but told him I probably didn’t need it…last night had about two pints of Carlo Rossi Sangria after not imbibing for about four days, and really didn’t like the way it made me feel. So I’m on the wagon, and liking it. Nice not acting like a sailor on shore leave, blowing all my money.
…and not happy with the increasing price of Rejuvelac – bought a small bottle at the Harvest Urban Market the other day for a buck-89! Used to be, like, a buck-39 or something. A really high mark-up – make it yourself, it’s pennies for gallons. But that’s too laborious for me. Well, don’t need a lot of that, just a small amount every so often, to innoculate the digestive system with the lactobacillus…and found at that market a notice for “Ancient City: The Art of Urban Transformation” – looks like an interesting concept – here’s a site: http://ancientcitygallery.wordpress.com/.
And so I sat outside the market there on 8th near Howard – up walks a guy I know, A., who’s heading around the corner for some meditation group with J., a Zen priestess lady of my acquaintance. Told A. this sounded like a whole lot more focusing than I was wanting to do then, but I’m glad someone’s going there regularly.
#1123 (2 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
And speaking of classic literature, at the library for sale saw a copy of Dante’s Inferno, a mere dollar, for the Mark Musa translation. Did it with three-line iambic pentameter stanzas…skipped the buy, but it would be one to buy, would make a nice gift…
And in other literary news, have a copy of Philip K. Dick’s Dr. Bloodmoney in audio. Listened to just the beginning – liked the reference to Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley – Dick lived in that city, worked there. I could get from a friend free all of Dick in audio, but maybe I won’t go there, not feeling the desire to hear that. A Scanner Darkly’s at the library in audio, but passed on that – heard it before, not interested in going there again, at least not now…
And have got 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, by Steve Chandler, on audio, and that’s been affecting me lately. Practical advice. He’s a big believer in walking as a practice to get over blocks in one’s thinking.
And…noticed during a walk a park to the west, a few blocks on the other side of Van Ness. Maybe head over there sometime, or to Huntington Park at the top of Nob Hill – get a good workout in dealing with that inclination…
And have also got on audio The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists, by Neil Strauss. Interesting point of view vis-à-vis women – apparently if one follows his advice one can easily enough have a whole lot of sex. Not necessarily of a “meaningful” kind, but that wasn’t what he was after. At the end, tho’, the man, who’s fucked dozens of women, is enraptured by just one, so that’s a sort of happy ending. Myself, still no action in that department, tho’ sex is on my mind a lot.
In lieu of actually getting intimate with a woman, have been inspired to plan a series of sexy short stories, called Hot Dates. Have got an idea for three already, titled: “The Automatic Fucking Machine”, “The Nun of Nookie”, and “The Witching Hour”. Gives me a vent for my erotic imagination…and speaking of sexy, am still in an Asia Argento kind of mood a…but couldn’t get through The Last Mistress, in part because it’s in French, with English subtitles. But picked up on at least one French word: “rien”, in the line “They understand nothing.” Lovemaking on top of a tiger skin for Asia in this, loud orgasm sound made, but she wasn’t topless in the scene. Thought I’d share my observations…I admire the lady’s talents…
Sunday, June 22, 2008
#1122 (1 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…to begin with, a condemnation of some fossil-fueld asshole – female variety – in her obscene Jeep Cherokee, running her engine, bestowing pollution and noise to all around her. Thanks for fuckin’ nothing, Lady Shitbag. If I had my way I’d BAN you and your kind from the city…
But far better in my eyes, N., a real self-proclaimed flower child from Sixties San Francisco, walking up the street, focused as usual, on some mission. She was but a very young girl back then, but I like her because she’s from that era. Doubtless a participant in many a hippie “free love” session. Now turning tricks in the Tenderloin, as far as I can tell, but we always have a smile for one other, of some ironical variety. I spoze I could get “serviced” by her, and maybe even for free, but haven’t gone there.
And also from that era, I now have in my possession on disc the complete Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic books, plus two related short series featuring Fat Freddy Freak, and Fat Freddy’s cat. I guess my favorite underground comic of all – I love the humor of Gilbert Shelton. Crumb’s the more prolific, and probably the greater genius, but Shelton’s brothers take the cake as far as I’m concerned. (Here’s a Wikipedia entry about Last Gasp, a Frisco publisher of such lit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Gasp.)
And in another kind of art, the Ming Dynasty will be featured at the Asian Art Museum from late June to mid-September. May have to plan for the free first Sunday. I can really take or leave museums in general, and usually leave ‘em, but this Ming thing – merciless? – is attracting me. (Me, don’t know the differences between Chinese dynasties, or Egyptian ones, for that matter. So here’s a link to info to clear that up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_Dynasty - where you learn, for one thing, that this particular dynasty ruled from the mid-14th century – Western calculation of that – to the mid-17th…)
…and then there’s the Tang Dynasty – inventors way back when of a powdered orange juice drink that was subsequently adopted by NASA to satisfying the extraterrestrial thirsts of astronauts…
And…changing subjects around as I usually do…want to draw your attention to an Asia Argento American late night TV interview from six years ago, at the time of that first triple X flick:
#1122 (2 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
http://youtube.com/watch?v=3nm6WSxIfxg. What gets to me, at the very
beginning, after she shakes the host’s hand, is her short walk to her seat, raising her hand high to the audience, then pointing her index finger up, and the sway of her hips, and her smile…
She had interesting things to say…says she’s a good cook, and that too much garlic’s not a good thing – heats a body up too much, makes one smell. And she said actors are generally boring lovers, too self-absorbed…
And Frisco musical activist Jello Biafra just turned fifty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jello_Biafra. Was never into him, his punk thing, the punk thing in general, but maybe I’d like his work if I paid attention. Final thing in the Wikipedia entry, an unpleasantness from the early Ninties – the man was attacked at a club in Berkeley by those accusing him of selling out, leaving him with “serious injuries”. Might get into his work at some point…”California Uber Alles” by the Dead Kennedys, could see listening to that – had it on disc years ago…
And am continuing to listen to an audio book featuring a hundred motivation tips. Such as the importance of living in the moment, and not in the past, wherein guilt resides, or the future, which can be a source of fear.
And a look I’ve adopted recently: khaki military-style pants along with a recent groundscored acquisition, a similar-looking shirt. Was in this the other day doing work for Odd Fellow brother Pete, a former Marine – doubtless the look wasn’t lost on him. Tho’ he knows I’m not military. Reminds me of The Dirty Dozen…I flashed back to the scene where Donald Sutherland, the worst soldier possible, is told to pretend he’s a general and inspect troops. Here it is: http://youtube.com/watch?v=bJJHSsLhE24
…and Sister B. of the Odd Fellows, saw her the other day at the lodge hall – had a child’s introductory ballet book out from the Mechanics’ Institute Library – she and her husband are members – which I’ve got to get around to being one of these days, I guess. It’d give me another library option besides the S.F. Public…ninety-five a year – would be worth it…well…she showed me the book and wanted to indicate a picture of a dancer with “triangular hair” – some sort of configuration of tresses…that indicated something, I’m not sure just what. Couldn’t find it, but it stuck in my mind.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
#1121 (1 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
...finally viewed New Rose Hotel not long ago, ten years after it came out. Really a better sense in it of the gritty William Gibson science fiction aesthetic than in the higher-budgeted Johnny Mnemonic. Interesting how Gretchen Mol was used – no spoken lines, just her walking around unaware she’s on a surveillance tape. Plays some sort of super-dominatrix…the Asia Argento character steals her away from the guy she’s dominating. Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Rose_Hotel_(1998_film), and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gretchen_Mol. Also, topless: http://www.topcelebs.com/archive/Gretchen-Mol.htm. Have yet to see her in that Bettie Page biopic – gotta get my friend Spence to burn me a copy from his free online source of just about everything…
And speaking of Gibson, have got a whole lot of him in audio form – listened to much of All Tomorrow’s Parties the other day – I think I read it when it came out a few years ago, but I’m not too familiar with it. It’s the third in Gibson’s “Bridge Series”, which began with Virtual Light and continues in Idoru. (His “Sprawl Series” is: Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive…also…title for ATP is from the Velvet Underground song…)
And in terms of visual material, have got all the first season of Christina Applegate’s network sitcom Samantha Who? on disc, fifteen episodes, and I continue to study them. I really enjoy the lady’s comedy skills. Only thing on the tube I care to watch, so I’m not missing cable. May next month get an Internet connection into my crib’s room, tho’, but not cable again…
…and…continuing to read one poem at a time in the Charles Bukowski poetry book I bought at Fields. Good stuff, worth the careful reading…in one, he’s at some Japanese restaurant in the L.A. area and two Americans in there get him to eat octopus for the first time. Interesting how the man uses the language – no more than five words per line mostly. And the material must be from the Nineties, since he mentions using a computer. One might think he wouldn’t take to the new technology, but he did big time, and loved it. It increased his output, and made correcting much easier. Someone like Gore Vidal, on the other hand, I think never took to even a typewriter, and wrote everything by hand, all those huge novels…
…and was tuning in NPR the other day, but have veered away from that
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practice. Have got enough good audio book and spoken material on disc, plus music, that I won’t be going there. Not entirely my politics presented there, nor my socio-economic category. But at least intelligent voices are talking, and that’s a good option to have…
For example, tuned in the Michael Krasny interview program and liked the idea I heard about the Quaker religion and its take on marriage, how a husband or wife should be a “spiritual helpmeet” to their partners. Attended two or three Quaker meetings a few years ago – a lot of good there, should look into that again, I guess. Am seeking a woman – not for marriage or procreation, but I wouldn’t mind some physical contact of that nature…
And also good on the radio, those brief recent times I tuned in to KQED-FM here in the S.F. Bay Area, Debra Winger plugging her new book. Very into gardening these days, she said. Here’s an interview from six years ago: http://nymag.com/nymetro/movies/features/5708/. I like the Tom Robbins connection – in his collection of short pieces, Wild Ducks Flying Backward, there’s one about meeting with Winger, feeling much kinship. I like her very much in An Officer and a Gentleman – she could easily have played one of the quirky heroines Robbins created on his pages…
…and…at The Magazine on Larkin, in the window, old issues of Rolling Stone, when it was still a tabloid, with the Grateful Dead on the cover of one. Wonder how much those cost? Could be buying it. I’ve seen them elsewhere for, like, ten bucks. But they’re also all online at the library on microfilm…tho’ it’d be nice to have something to hold…
…and speaking of Asia Argento, saw a copy of Boarding Gate, bootlegged, for sale on Market Street the other day, and also, with newbie film star Norah Jones, My Blueberry Nights. But I’ve got that Argento on disc…started to watch it a second time the other day, but didn’t get far. But she’s very watchable…can’t say the same for the puffy Michael Madsen – those male Hollywood actors really can get away with a lot that the ladies can’t in terms of how they look. Well…may look up the Argento interview in Rolling Stone from a while back – bound copies are at the library…and Mother of Tears is across the street from my new crib at the Lumiere. I believe I’ll skip seeing that gorefest again…I like comedy, not splatter…but for sure Argento is one to watch…
Thursday, June 19, 2008
#1220 (1 of 1) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
1. Red Sun, the Western flick – have it on a disc burned by a friend. Watched only a little of the beginning, then went to check out the ending to see if I liked it as much as I remembered. [NOTE: Read no more if you haven’t seen it and don’t want the ending spoiled.] Good principle cinematically portrayed: the mercenary gunslinger Bronson leaves the valuable sword that samurai Mifune gave his life to retrieve after it was stolen. But a new thing I picked up on: very near the end Bronson flips a coin, and it seems that the outcome will be how he decides if he hands over the sword or takes it to sell. But actually, even before he flipped, he has the thing hanging high up so the Japanese ambassador’s train will see it. So he’s tossing the coin just to see, I guess, which direction he’ll head next…
2. And in personal news, been drink-free for about three or four days, and the better for it, at least for this next bit of time. Got a thing or two I wanna see done, and seems being free of wine and beer will help with that process. As I maintain, tho’ some, I think, don’t believe me, I can take drink or leave it. Doing a lot of yerba mate tea, and not much eating…this helps keep me balanced and clear.
3. And want to recommend the fine Polk a Dot stationery and much more store on Polk Street between Clay and Washington. Nice typed page by the owner in the window lamenting the horrid influx of common chain stores into San Francisco. Inadvertent Joycean pun in it about the city “loosing its mojo”. “Losing” was meant, but it works the way it is. I’m all for S.F. “loosing” – that is, unleashing – its mojo, and not losing it…
4. And another Polk Street observation: sign for the Dante Pharmacy, a previous business, on the entrance at the French lingerie establishment at Vallejo. Like it that that trace of the previous was left intact. (But don’t particularly care for the mannequins displaying the frilly unmentionables, the headless/legless/armless type. What’s up with that? Also, by nature and culture I’m not so into things Franco – except for fries upon occasion, and kisses. So perhaps the style of underwear there doesn’t entirely fit my aesthetic criteria of what I’d like to see on a woman. But just now, frankly, a totally naked one would be the preferred mode for yours truly – the fabled “birthday suit”…and: another note to end this page - local mommy not just pushing a stroller, but RUNNING with it. Well, good for her…I’d like a lady in my bed, or me in hers, but not for the purposes of procreation…)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
#1219 (1 of 1) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
...received the other day in change one of those wheat pennies that were in circulation years ago. A friend, my Odd Fellow brother Pete, collects rare pennies, so I set it aside for him. Here’s the Wikipedia reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheat_cent - but that’s probably way more than you wanna know about these coins. What I wanted to know: when they were discontinued? Answer: 1958. (Also got somehow a wee Euro penny, smaller than the U.S. variant. Me, not into coins…gave my last dime to a guy on the street who asked for thirty-five cents. He said it helped…)
But back a few days ago when I DID have some cash, spent three bucks and a half on three items being sold by a woman on California Street near my new crib when I was out doing laundry: a nice hardback student-oriented dictionary, a small cactus plant, and a copy of the Seventies satire about Marin County, The Serial. I tend to give things away, but each of these I still have. Plus I groundscored that day a filthy blue windbreaker which I liked – cleaned it and have it still…
And picked up about thirty pounds or more of collected articles and other papers I had stored at my previous residence with a friend there. Arduous it was to haul that back to my new place, inside a duffle bag given me by the aforementioned Brother Pete. Didn’t wanna pay for a taxi, so had to drag the weighty object a block and a half to a bus stop, then another half a block after the ride. But should be worth it – a lot of good information there, specially selected over years. Long-term project to go through it. Included are small cards I wrote on during my last bit of time in Los Angeles, over ten years ago. Haven’t looked at ‘em since – should bring back some memories, useful for generating some verbiage…
And to the lady who stored those papers for me for a couple of weeks, gave a gaudy ear ornament that two women in the Mission were giving away totally free on the street, along with a lot of other decent goods. The lady thought the ornament was sending a transvestite signal – it wasn’t merely the kind of simple ear stud I like, but dangled, with a dozen little fake jewels hanging down. I dunno, I told her I thought it was sort of rockstar-ish, and she said yeah, festive, and saw my point. I’m strong enough in my hetero orientation to have gotten away with it…wasn’t something I woulda bought, but it just came along for free, so I went for it and wore it for a while. Wanted to thank her for keeping my stuff safe…
Friday, June 13, 2008
#1218 (1 of 1) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…today’s Friday the 13th…thirteen’s not necessarily a bad number. I’ve read in Buckminster Fuller, for instance, that twelve spheres packed together create a thirteenth in the middle – see his books on Synergetics, his own system of geometry…
Had a lot of cheese yesterday, courtesy of my Odd Fellow brother Pete – gave two blocks to me, both a year expired, but they were fine. Kept the orange kind for myself, but gave the Monterey block to Brother A. on the elevator. He was much pleased to get that – he said he’d have it later on “tortillias” – not “tortillas”. He also liked the military-style khaki pants I had on yesterday. Well, frankly, I’m not a huge cheese person, but if it’s around I might have a taste – spozed to go with wine. I like Brie, but haven’t had that in a while…
The cheese reminds me of a “plastic Swiss cheese” reference in a George Carlin disc I’m listening to lately – he was talking about stuff he found at a novelty store in New York. Also, listening to Charles Bukowski poetry readings lately, and he mentions Swiss cheese in a sexual content – I mean, context - that I won’t go into precise detail about here – but the line is, like, “women have more holes than Swiss cheese…”
No alcohol drank I yesterday, despite having a bottle of white wine in my room – courtesy of Brother Pete. And also a can of Olympia, an old school brand of suds that’s available in the Odd Fellows Club Room at the 26 7th Street edifice, that also from Pete. Plus I have credit at a store, whose Jordanian owner will let me have forty bucks worth of Carlo Rossi Sangria a month, knowing that I’m good for it. So took a day off. Today, different story…but it occurred to me that drinking’s a job of sorts, so perhaps it’s good to take a day off a week, Sabbath-like- white Sabbath, that is…
And…early Seventies references in some of the Carlin, such as to “Miss Hollander” – Xaviera, the famed madame. And also the Ho Chi Minh Trail. These not entirely lost upon me…and…thanks to friend Spence for a disc of Steely Dan – and also the Bukowski and the Carlin. Thought that it’d be good to bring the Dan to the S.F. Brewing Company next time my good friend Sunbad the Paler and I visit – we were there a few days ago and had, I think, three pints each at least, of the “Norton”, and maybe four. Great spot, thanks to Allan Paul for running such a fine establishment…
Saturday, June 07, 2008
#1217 (1 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
…been listening to a lot of William Burroughs spoken word lately – a friend burned me a disc. One I’d heard before is called “A Junky’s Christmas”, about how a junkie does the Christmas generosity trip and gives a kidney stone sufferer his last little bit of heroin. Here’s the text: http://www.interpc.fr/mapage/westernlands/junkyschristmas.html. Looks like YouTube has video for it also – plus a Claymation piece done in the early Nineties, apparently. Classic drug lit lines, such as: “I can’t even score for goofballs.” And the use of a word such as “croaker”…which means “doctor”, I think. Interesting listening to the man’s voice – he pronounces “grimace” “grim-ACE” and not “GRIM-us”. A Midwestern thing?
And I wouldn’t mind seeing Drugstore Cowboy again – Burroughs has a significant part, playing opposite Matt Dillon, and Heather Graham is also in the cast, in one of her earlier roles. (And…just found this: http://www.lucaspickford.com/burrroutines.htm - transcripts of “routines” by Burroughs – his name for his spoken word pieces. Not for everyone, but he’s definitely something, despite the big differences between him and myself. Me, not into heroin, bisexuality, or guns, three of his major interests, but despite that, I find him remarkable, as these remarks demonstrate…)
And in personal and healthier news, was in the market for olive oil the other day, but couldn’t find a cheap enough bottle, even at this place called the Bargain Bank, which has, as its name suggests, great bargains. Even small bottles run into the seven and eight dollar range, and that seemed too much. So I went for canola oil, at Cala Foods, near my new crib, which I think is a good substitute – got an okay-sized plastic bottle – not glass – for about two bucks. Plus a can of tuna – 89 cents on sale – have seen the same for a dime more at other local stores…and I’m talking about the cheapest can of the fish, with the flesh totally pulverized. You want solid chunks, it’ll be more like two dollars. And a can of wild Alaskan salmon? Well, that’ll be two dollars and a half…
And…another observation…turned on the radio briefly – mine’s set to KFRC-FM – and there was an Angels baseball game still on at seven minutes to eleven in the evening, which I thought was pretty late. Sometimes I can tune in to baseball – the only sport I can say I actually know something about, how it’s played, the history, names of players. Basketball, football, I just don’t know. (Reminds me of Chico Escuela, the baseball player, on
#1217 (2 of 2) www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
Saturday Night Live – was gonna put a clip from YouTube here but it’s not coming up quickly…)
And thought of a title for something: All-Night Pussy Posse Party. Inspired by the cute crew of young Russian ladies at the Café Mason, a 24/7 establishment I’ve gone to. Tho’ not lately – that was a Tenderloin place – now, it’s a longer walk over Nob Hill to get there. Tho’ I nearly went this morning…still have a few bucks, and I could’ve seen spending three dollars for a Coke and big tip. One of the women there seems to be interested in me – I was leaving once and she told me direct that she had two days off. So may be heading over there soon…maybe she thinks I’m wealthy, since I leave nearly a 50% tip every time. Well, she’s gonna hafta like my personality a whole lot, since my bank account’s nothing close to hefty. I’m always writing something there, so maybe that appeals to her? Russians have an appreciation of the literary…
And…am happy with the performance of rechargeable batteries given me by my friend Spence – had William Gibson’s Neuromancer on for, like, twelve hours, overnight, just about the entirety of the complete reading of it, and the batteries still kept going. Really saves on the batteries – tho’ I just paid ten bucks for a deal on thirty-two double As at Walgreens. That’ll last three months or more, I’d say, especially with the rechargeables…
And…Sixties rock poster artist Alton Kelley just passed away – creator of the famous skull with roses Grateful Dead motif. Gotta head to the ArtRock venue on Folsom to see rock posters…and: The Rock Poster Society – TRPS – is having an event soon in Fort Mason, I believe.
And was at a lingerie shop on Polk near Pine the other day to check out their goods. Mostly clothing, which I’m not interested in, but the “Inflatable Husband” was funny – great text on the box, such as “He doesn’t talk back!”. Plus a mini-vibrator that uses one double A battery – hey, ladies! I’ve got plenty of those suckers for your vibe! And…new Hulk flick out – Ed Norton starring – posters up for this on Polk…and…recommend the Bus Stop sports bar on Union. Me, not a sports bar type, but I like this place – good jukebox – wasn’t allowed to play it last time I was there since some “important” game was on…Rat Pack picture up on the wall…affiliation with the Police Athlete League, or at least there was once – a good thing…
Friday, June 06, 2008
#1216 www.starplane.blogspot.com sweetdango@hotmail.com
Various recent things:
Groundscored a recent issue of Interview magazine featuring a tribute to founder Andy Warhol. Pulled out a few relevant pages - nice picture of the man I taped to my wall. And a '77 interview with him that I read all the way through, tho' didn't find much of all that much interest. He says something about eating Campbell's soup for lunch every day for twenty years.
Have not been watching episodes of Samantha Who? at www.abc.com, tho' I really should. I enjoy Christina Applegate's comedy skills a lot.
And read Don Felder's recent memoir about life with the Eagles all the way through, and now have begun going back from the beginning to the passages I noted with little dots in the margin. Really a great insider look at maybe the most popular American band of the last quarter of the 20th century, and even until now.
Paid two dollars at the Russian Hill Bookstore for a Penguin edition of ancient Chinese popular fiction called The Golden Casket. See http://www.amazon.com/Golden-Casket-Chinese-Novellas-Millennia/dp/0313200912?tag=dogpile-20. Maybe it'd make a nice gift for someone...don't think I'll read much of it myself. But I like having it. And want to patronize the independent bookstores of the city.
Idea I've had for a while: a novel called "Penny", the Ulysses story told from the point of view of his wife. Get it? "Penelope"/"Penny"? Maybe do it like Joyce did, set it in modern times. But that's been done by him...just an idea...
Saw at a garage sale Walter Becker's solo disc, 11 Tracks of Whack: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/11_Tracks_of_Whack. Wasn't really tempted to buy...maybe if it was a buck, but didn't even ask. I also think both Donald Fagen and Becker each have pretty new solo discs. And they're touring - they'll be in Berkeley in July, I think. Now THAT is a show I'd like to see.
Seen a couple of times recently: pulled-off pigeon wings. There are some out there with a major thing against those birds, apparently. Maybe got pooped on one too many times.
Paused to watch dog grooming in the front window of a Polk Street pet care establishment. A lot of pampered pooches in the area.
"Red Sun", a movie I want to see again, is available in VHS at the Gramophone video store on Polk. Gotta get a membership. Toshiro Mifune and Charles Bronson...wanna see if the ending is as good as I remember it. (That Gramophone location goes back at least to the late Sixties - used to be just music, as the name implies.)
And am grateful to friend Spence not only for wine he's been buying mainly for me - he has some too when in my room - but also for his great conversation - we share many literary interests - such as William Burroughs. He's probably the only person I know who knows about the book "With William Burroughs: A Report from the Bunker", by Victor Bockris - see http://www.interpc.fr/mapage/westernlands/sontag1.html. Spence has also burned for me music and audio books and literary stuff found on the Internet, such as a whole lot of Burroughs material. Truly a generous spirit is Spence.
He also burned me a disc of music labeled "Mystery" - he has the equipment to create his own markings on the discs. Started out with a lot of America, which he knows I like. But what I've been listening to a lot lately are several Kris Kristofferson songs, some I didn't know.
And want to thank my friend Karl for a gift of food a while back - Top Ramens, a box of macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, and more. Used some of that spaghetti in the crock pot I groundscored near Union Street a few days ago - great having that cooker in my room. Really helps with my effort to be economical.
And: am enjoying Paul Theroux's description of a visit with expatriate American author Paul Bowles in Tangier. Some notes I took: the entire book is about Theroux's travels in the Mediterrean, with a no plane stipulation. Previously, I've liked his Boston-to-the-far south of South America train book, The Old Patagonian Express. And his one about riding the Trans-Siberian Railroad. And he did another one all about Africa. A really recommended writer.
Also, one of the people Theroux describes uses the term "yella-dog Democrat" - meaning, one so set politically that they'd vote for a yellow dog before a Republican. And...he met an American tourist who rhymed "Cannes" with "pans"...
And...Theroux wanted to meet Bowles, but didn't know precisely where he lived. So he had to ask around. He says everyone knew him, but no one knew where he lived...
And Theroux says Gertrude Stein not only directed Bowles to Tangier in the first place, but also told Robert Graves to go to Mallorca, which fact I didn't know. Gertie Stein was very influential in literary matters. And...Bowles advised Theroux not to become "a public monument", because then you get pissed on. (Or shat on by pigeons, as happens to the Bolivar statue in U.N. Plaza.)
And...came up with an iambic pentameter couplet the other day, which I dedicate to Christina Applegate:
A desperada diamond queen, L.A. -
he does believe she really loves to play.
The "desperada" inspired by "Desperado", the Eagles song. Not to imply that Christina's desperate. Or maybe so in a good sense, or in the way anyone is...
And speaking of the Eagles: I love the line in "Hotel California" which describes a woman has having "the Mercedes bends"...
And...just randomly working off notes - no real thread of continuity in this: I saw a porn film years ago that had a good line, something like: "Well, she told me to fuck her with nine inches and make it hurt, so I did her twice then punched her in the stomach." (No, I don't condone violence against women - it's just a stupid joke from a skin flick...)
...been listening a lot lately to a library copy of an Allman Brothers best of disc. "Melissa" I like a whole lot...often skip through "Ramblin' Man" since I've heard that one so many times. "Jessica" is a good instrumental number, clocking in at about seven minutes.
...found a discarded Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket with some edibles remaining, so took that to my room and put it into my crock pot...the skin can be quite tasty. But I haven't bought anything there for years, or maybe just one side of mashed potatoes or something. I don't approve of the factory poultry system.
And..."Revival" is a track I like from the Allman Brothers - the repeated phrase is: "People can you feel it? Love is everywhere..."
And back to Kris Kristofferson - had to just look up the title for "The Law is for Protection of the People": http://www.lyricsfreak.com/k/kris+kristofferson/the+law+is+for+protection+of+the+people_20080512.html. Great song, a new one on me - tho' maybe Kris is pulling legs a bit with the lyrics...
...joke: If Lee Van Cleef got into the jewelry business, would it be called Lee Van Cleef & Arpels?
And still no action in my love life. Ran into, in front of Cala Foods, the 24/7 supermarket in my new 'hood, a lady I knew from a Tenderloin computer center I used to go to. Chatted a bit with her, but I like her as a friend, not a lover. So didn't even give her my number. I'd rather just "self-pleasure" than have that level of physical involvement with someone I'm not really into.
And...another local business I've been patronizing is a laundromat a block up California from my new crib. Was there the other day, washing something, reading Sybil Leek's The Complete Art of Witchcraft. It's been my practice, my habit, to drink a beer or three while waiting for the suds to work on my duds, but that day there skipped the alcohol. Have currently got most of a four liter Carlo Rossi Sangria still in my room, haven't touched it all day. Am being better about drinking, and not only because I don't have a whole lot of money...
And also there, noted a flyer posted for "Gentle Hatha" at a yoga studio across from my new place, just up from the Lumiere repertory movie joint. Another beautiful business in the area, yoga instruction.
And...finally now gonna find out who did that song with the lyrics "loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful"...it's...oh, yeah, Minnie Riperton! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBOX_Eh6o4c. (Just bought a cassette of Maxine Nightingale, and I was thinking this "loving you" one was by her also. From Nightingale, "Lead Me On" is great, one that I can listen to over and over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gENEtrlIWnM...
And...speaking of Carlo Rossi Sangria - Rite-Aid has four liters for eight-99, which is a great price, but the other day the store even topped that with the same item for just six-99! That works out to less than a dollar a pint. You go to your average wine-selling restaurant and you'll get, in a glass, maybe a half a pint of your cheapie wine, for three bucks or more. So I feel quite satisfied as as a customer to get my CRS for less than a buck a pint...
But not making me happy was the purchase of a potato at an overpriced little market on Polk near the Internet cafe I go to sometimes - also near yet another yoga studio as well. Well, forked over fifty cents for a small spud. Won't be buying my taters there, I tell you that much.
And also recently bought another pack of ylang ylang incense at Fields...I think I'll need at least one more pack to get me through the month, at the rate of two sticks a day. Good selection of the stuff there...the other day made a joke to one of the ladies behind the counter that they needed more spiritual books, which is funny 'cause the joint's crammed floor to high celing with nothing but spiritually-oriented volumes. But unfortunately she failed to entirely see the humor in my comment. (I was also at the Bus Stop bar on Union the other day and upon leaving told the bartender that they needed to have more TV screens - now then my humor had its intended effect - see, there are about a dozen screens all over the place...)
And...also paid recently a buck for a bag of Lay's Classic chips in order to add to something in my crock pot cauldron - true white trash cooking at its finest, which art I'm a proud exponent of...
And...that place I bought the spud for half a buck. Noticed single women in there shopping - this at about five-thirty one afternoon. So that made me think that'd be a good time to meet women - done with work around five, then shopping for dinner.
And: have been listening much to William Burroughs material on a disc burned for me by buddy Spence. Funny line from, I think, Naked Lunch: "Any eggs for Fats?" See http://www.amazon.com/Naked-Excerpts-Dinner-Conversation-Snakes/dp/B000W225V8?tag=dogpile-20. Also, there's an anti-FDR screed by Burroughs - he really hated Roosevelt for some reason. Also notable, from "Spare Ass Annie", the line about "an auxiliary asshole in the middle of her forehead." This and some of the other portions included music along with the Burroughs spoken word, which adds a lot to the man's reading...
Monday, June 02, 2008
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