Thursday, September 30, 2004
#140…..9/30/2004 3:45:04 PM……..back at THE SAN FRANCISCO NETWORK MINISTRIES COMPUTER LAB at 559 Ellis at Leavenworth….free computers, classes, fine staff…back to yesterday morning, at THE HEART OF THE CITY FARMERS MARKET – sampled tomatoes from Sanger, and apple juice that was nectar…..back to THE JEFFERSON HOTEL – sat in lobby a bit, down comes neighbor who’s out to get his disbursement early – he’s gotta think up a reason to get his money a day early – he gets the same state and city allotment as I do, but, since he tends to spend it all at once, unlike myself, he gets smaller amounts every, like, 3 days………also, another hotel friend, hippie lady, concerned about hotel dwellers who die in their rooms and don’t get found until days and days later…….and I was JONESING for my bicycle – gonna get one maybe tomorrow – missing the ride much…..and also saw yesterday, former Jefferson resident who was out on the street to check on what was on sale in the street – and I mentioned the Farmers Market, and he figured he’d get some baby bok choy…….and also saw another hotel resident – not mentioning these folks, not sure who wants to be mentioned – gave him 2 copies of MAXIM magazine I got from another friend……..and GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN SAMUEL was outside on Eddy, with tenant rep KAY……..then later in the afternoon – quarter after 3, in the room, reading my OSHO (formerly RAJNEESH) book on intuition, drinking YERBA MATE TEA (good coffee substitute)….call from a friend – she said I wasn’t her friend, wanted the sunglasses she’d given me back, plus a drawing of her that she was storing with me………quarter after 5 yesterday afternoon, drinking my VITAMINERAL GREEN and listening to RICHARD CARLSON, audio book, DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF – have listened to this about 5 times already, really burning it in – lots of simple but powerful advice – such as “Make it a point to compliment people on something you like about them………” – and at 6pm, down in the hotel social lounge to watch the DVD I’d brought in from THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBILC LIBRARY, YOJIMBO, a Toshiro Mifune samurai flick from the early Sixties…….recommended viewing – classic………and about 8pm, back in the room, movie over….cold night…….by myself, no whiskey, but plenty of books, thoughts, music, information from the radio on KQED……..remembered seeing GLENDA HOPE yesterday – she is some sort of priest(ess), a minister – she started up the Computer Training Center, I believe…….and she presided over the memorial for a deceased resident of the Jefferson………and listened to the audio book of VILLA INCOGNITO, by TOM ROBBINS………no food, no bicycle, no money, no particular place to go – but I had the literary prowess of Tom Robbins, went to sleep to that……..did some push-ups also……..before sleep………then out of bed today at nearly 1 in the afternoon – in bed for, like, 14 hours – went through a usual process – had warm water to drink (said to be good first thing in the morning to cleanse the system), listened to KQED radio, the intelligent people talking there, put on my simple clothes, including flip-flops – was wearing regular shoes when riding the bicycle, but if a bike isn’t happening I’m in flip-flops…more push-ups, stretching, combed hair, had more Vitamineral Green………on my bed, nobody, but various audio books, a book by Ralph “Sonny” Barger, a mid-Seventies issue of Playboy courtesy of the ODD FELLOWS LODGE CLUB ROOM, and my Sony music box………downstairs to meet with BROTHER ODD FELLOW PETE SELLARS at the lodge hall…….in the lobby, at the front desk, spoke briefly with the man there – he was reading some celebrity magazine – I recognized, upside, a picture of the pregnant LIV TYLER…….and hotel mate Tokay came out – told him I’d dub up some audio books for him on tapes I’d gotten from Brother Pete………and one of the “Group of 55” artists related to the recent art event in the lodge hall, ANTHONY HOLDSWORTH….making it my business to get to know all 55 of the artists so next show, the event will be more fantastic………..Anthony said he’s showing regularly – upcoming presentations at the MesArts facility on Market and at ENRICO’S in NORTH BEACH…..then up into the Odd Fellows Building to see Brother Pete – down on 7th, the store of Sister Wendy wasn’t open for some reason….and into Pete’s office……had two copies of a comic book about an ex-Marine-turned-law enforcer for me…….he was busy typing letters out on lodge business, but we chatted a bit………got me thinking about advertising needed for the next show, and other shows in between, other events……….mutual friend ANI MA was done with her ballet class in another part of the building and stopped in to see Pete and me…..we all three chatted, Pete shared rich moon cakes that he’d been given, doubled-yoked………..then it was out the door, Ani Ma and me, to her job at the ACADEMY OF ART UNIVERSITY on Sutter……stopped to watch EDWARD JACKSON dancing at the Powell Street Cable Car turn….she loaned me 20 bucks…….I went up to another branch of the Academy of Art to pick up a form for Ani Ma as she went to her job site………Ani Ma think Pete should meet Elisa Stephens of the AAU, get some synergy going with the students and the art activity of the Odd Fellows – getting my mind around this concept, and others………gotta turn on San Francisco way, way more than it is currently, that’s the way I see it……….got the form back to Ani Ma, and went on my way, really missing the quickness of a bicycle…..stopped at a Tenderloin corner market and got a NEWCASTLE BROWN ALE, drank it on my way here to the CTC……….got her at 3:37pm, and now it’s 4:12pm…………..and now, now……..got copies of THE EXAMINER and PAPERCITY to look at, condense for use by the powers of benevolence and art………….lot to get balanced………and in e-mails: ones from THE SAN FRANCISCO BREWING COMPANY in North Beach and from THE ARTIST-XHCHANGE in The Mission – gotta hook up all these diverse elements, work some magic technology, some technological religious magic, y’all……..
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
#139……….9/29/2004 1:12:05 PM…..back at the excellent COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER at Eddy & Leavenworth run by NETWORK ASSOCIATES………left THE JEFFERSON HOTEL a bit late-ish in the day today…….lounged around in bed listening to the intelligent discussion on KQED radio……..there was an interesting discussion of THE FREE SPEECH MOVEMENT of the Bay Area – 40th anniversary this year……on the way, saw tenant representative (name deleted) in the lobby – also leaving at the same time, neighbor (name deleted) – informed him that my movie pick for today, the Japanese samurai flick YOJIMBO, was playing tonight – he hadn’t heard of it – maybe he’ll show…….now, back to notes from yesterday: picked up at THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY a copy of INTUITION by OSHO – formerly RAJNEESH – plus a video cassette of GIRL, INTERRUPTED………..then back to the hotel, yesterday, at half after four in the afternoon………..napping in there – been taking it easy a lot…….haven’t had much alcohol to drink due to lack of money – getting three-hundred-and-8 on Friday – guess I’ll be back on the juice then……really gotta make my money stretch for the entire month – spent, oh, well over a 100 bucks last month on alcohol alone, I’d say……..now: political analysis on the radio, on KQED, a lot these days – I’m not particularly focusing on the Presidential race – I guess MAYOR GAVIN NEWSOM is on my mind more of late – should take more interest in him and in politics in general………and about then, friend called to invite me to dinner after her yoga……..then went to the YMCA on Golden Gate, a coupla blocks away, to fill up my water container with their filtered fluid……..the Jefferson has a Y pass so that tenants can use the facilities for free………..then later, on the radio, former Poet Laureate of the United States, Billy Collins, was featured at a San Francisco appearance – heard the show before but it was entertaining to hear it again…………and had some trail mix I’d groundscored some while ago, plus YERBA MATE TEA – recommended beverage to replace coffee – more nutritious and not as toxic – or, not toxic at all…………healing, even…..and then I tuned in to the BBC radio program at 9pm – getting more into news in general again after laying off for a long time – there was, as I sipped my tea, a story about how King’s College in England is checking into the scientific basis of the healing plants of the world – apparently curry has the healthful properties that have been attributed to it in Indian tradition…………then, about 9:35pm, on my bicycle to the Mission, to the Bikram Yoga facility to meet friend………got there in about 20 minutes – got there early, waited a bit in front of the recommended DOG-EARED BOOKS at 20th and Valencia – unique selection of books there………then over to PANCHO VILLA on 16th near Valencia, friend and I, for a meal – we had the same thing, her choice, a veggie burrito without the wrapping, all on the plate…..plus a TECATE for me – tho’ she had second thoughts about getting the drink for me…….I ate about twice as fast as she did – got more salsa (the mild kind – they’ve got a selection of killer heat salsa) for my chips, had the beer, and we had a generally pleasant time, at least from my point of view………about 11 we were done, and I walked her back up to her place…….on the way back, got flagged down by a friend on the street at Albion, across from the Delirium bar – we chatted a bit, then he looks at my bicycle, and it turns out that it’s his, one that got stolen……..so, despite my not wanting to, gave it back to him – he says it had been taken to Burning Man – the dust from the desert was still on the wheels……..guess he was on the level……I had paid 5 bucks for it on the street – I don’t usually traffic in stolen goods, pretty near never, but I had taken this bicycle, no questions asked…….and it’s an unusual turn to find that I had gotten the thing back to my friend, circuitously………so I am bicycle-less again………my friend gave me what he had in his pocket, a buck and 40 cents, and I walked all the way back to the Tenderloin – coulda taken Muni, but I wanted to get a drink…….so midnight-ish, there I was, crossing town – only around the Mission and 16th Street area did I feel a bit apprehensive – after, like, 14th and Mission, streets mostly deserted, and felt safe enough………paused at the GOODWILL store there on South Van Ness – pretty DAVID LANCE GOINES poster – I remember him from my BERKELEY days – good artist who was also a master printer, used all the old equipment to make his work, his stylish work…………and back in the hotel, call from friend who’d bought me the dinner – various of the usual – said she is really wanting to move – a sign to indicate this is that she has left her room key twice where she was working…….she figures she’ll move when she lightens her load a bit……….and up in the room, got a dime, and with the buck and 40 went up to THE NEW PRINCESS MARKET for a NEWCASTLE BROWN ALE………….and then no more notes…….kinduv a hassle to keep ‘em……….been carrying a pencil as my writing instrument these past few days………wanted to pick up one of the adult literacy class pens at the library but when I went in to get one the woman at the desk wouldn’t give me one – I’ve taken, like, 5 of their pens and used them well, but she refused – they have an unusual triangular shape and fit well in the hand……..oh well…………so that about brings us up to the present, in a manner of speaking – no more bicycle, boo-hoo….when I get money in a coupla days I suppose I can get one that’s not hot……..that samurai film is on in 4 and a half hours – thanks to JEFFERSON HOTEL GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN SAMUEL for putting it on – in the meantime, maybe over to see BROTHER PETE SELLARS at the ODD FELLOWS LODGE……get some work, some secretarial work, and maybe a free Olympia or 2……..then over to the library, check my record, see what is in to pick up……..or back to the room, study a bit, listen to the news on the radio…..pick up a copy of THE EXAMINER and examine the news therein……or an audio book……..but no whiskey, no money………
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
#138…..9/28/2004 2:37:06 PM……been carrying around way too many papers today – newspapers and several other pieces of paper….so here’s my chance to condense the information…….was in the UNION SQUARE area this morning – scored 2 sandwiches with a lot of meat in ‘em – homemade, and the maker didn’t skimp on that roast beef…..so I was checking the area out as I usually do…..picked up, at RASPUTIN RECORDS there on Powell, a flyer for an event at Ruby Skye – never been there, but BROTHER PETE SELLARS of THE ODD FELLOWS says he can get me tickets – wonder if the place will accept my mode of dress? If not, I’m not changing just to get in there – heard it was too yuppified anyway, not my style……..liked the picture on the flyer: drawing of a scantily-clad female deejay at work on the turntables….also good recently (this is no particular order): quote in the “Public Eavesdropping” part of a recent LEAH GARCHIK column in THE CHRONICLE – a little girl says “Now we are in the magic garden and we are getting close to the magic castle.” – to which a little boy – 5 years old, as is the girl – says: “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…….” – I liked that…….gotta access The Chronicle more – I’m not paying 50 cents for it, tho’…….and: was at the VIRGIN MEGASTORE last night for a while while waiting for a friend to finish work at a New Montgomery location of THE ACADEMY OF ART COLLEGE (or university, or whatever it’s being called now)……..so I took diligent notes on what I listened to and watched…..good song playing just when I walked in: WHY CAN’T WE BE FRIENDS by WAR……and inspected the collected 3rd season of ALIAS on DVD – good show, JENNIFER GARNER’s fun to watch……..and thanks to RICHARD BRANSON for setting the store up – he was just in the news this morning – he’s creating some sort of space flight program for the public…….and: back to Jennifer Garner – cover blurb about her calls her an “unfaltering delight”……and checked out also the new CD from JOHN FOGERTY called DÉJÀ VU ALL OVER AGAIN – see johnfogerty.com and Geffen.com for information……and after that War song, it was one by JAMES BROWN – I guess it’s called SUPER BAD……….the third song I wasn’t familiar with……..also interesting in the store, the “Staff Picks” section along the back wall on the ground floor……….and liked a line in a Fogerty song called RADAR: “…..torpedoes at 12 o’clock high……” – related to the vengeful intent of some woman…..the album, the disc, is great – his first studio work in 7 years…….and also at the Virgin Megastore: 26 bucks for a shirt with a picture of BRUCE LEE on it…….and checked out the MARIAH CAREY 9/28 – page 2 of 5
CD section – so many good songs from her, like VISION OF LOVE and EMOTIONS……..and thought of a phrase I’d been considering yesterday: FULL TILT PIMP MODE………….and the 4th song last night played on the Virgin sound system was LET’S GROOVE by EARTH, WIND, AND FIRE………and the fifth was RESPECT YOURSELF by (thanks to GOOGLE for the quick information about the performer) THE STAPLE SINGERS………and checked also the Top 20 CDs in SAN FRANCISCO – RUPAUL is back up in the mix with Number 20……..and BJORK’s MEDULLA is in the running – that one’s got some t*ts on her *ss – not familiar with her work at all……..and the 6th song was another I didn’t know – something from the Seventies, maybe…….and in the Top 20 CDs section, GREEN DAY is #1 currently, according to Virgin……RAY CHARLES is #2………ELVIS COSTELLO is #6 – he’s a DEADHEAD………..and I’m continuing to stay in Virgin – had an OLYMPIA BEER from Pete at the Odd Fellows Hall……..and listened to THE BLACK EYED PEAS and was very impressed with their WHERE IS THE LOVE…..not the old school song of the same name………and also impressive – the SHAKIRA concert DVD – big snake and mongoose up there on the stage towering above her as she worked her kundalini mojo remarkably………then it was back to the John Fogerty – listened to “Radar” several times, it was that favorable to me……..nice phrase in it: “….holy ghost rising………” – so that was it for the Virgin Megastore – plenty of material there to amuse and enlighten……..and in other news: friend and I were at the recommended SPARKY’S always open diner recently, had a bit to eat and drink – this at 242 Church near Market – good jukebox – played, on friend’s dime, 24 songs – listed ‘em all down on a menu but the thought of typing that all out is a bit tedious-seeming now……..first selection was WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE by GUNS ‘N’ ROSES…..then DAVID BOWIE, YOUNG AMERICANS…….DRESS YOU UP by MADONNA next………then one of the few Beatles songs I really like, TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS………..and on and on………SOUL KITCHEN covered by X………DEVO, GIRL YOU WANT………….ANIMALS – HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN………..and SWEET CHILD OF MINE by GNR again was the final track selected………I HAVE had trouble in Sparky’s in the past due to my possible misconduct, but was welcomed enough there this last time……recommended anyway………..and, and……….moving on: see the
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ROGER DEAN science fiction art at the very fine SAN FRANCISCO ART EXCHANGE at 458 Geary near Powell-ish………..he did the YES covers, you might know………..amazing images……….and from a groundscored Chronicle, learned that ICHIRO SUZUKI is very close to breaking the record for most hits in a season – he’s got two-51, and the record is held by GEORGE SISLER, from 1920…….six more for Ichiro and the record is his……….and for something completely different, a couplet in IAMBIC PENTAMER:
“………we’re taking up where Cowboy Neal left off,
and sure, of course, there’s Vlad, the Nabokov……..”
I tell you, you aren’t gonna get poetry like that even from FELIX DENNIS……..and it helps if you’ve had something to drink……….now, now….gotta get to notes I bothered to write down, what the heck………going back a few days when I actually had money in my pocket for secretarial work I did for the Odd Fellows – and hello, by the way, to SAMI there…….just saw her yesterday at the hall – I was there to write up notes from our last bi-weekly meeting…………..she gave me a sandwich, and the beer I drank was on the house………….so I bothered to keep track of where the money went – started out with 25 bucks – the check cashing place I went to across from the PHOENIX HOTEL there on Eddy near Larkin took a good, fat 10% right off the top – there went 2-50…….spent a buck and 65 on NEWCASTLE BROWN ALE down at the liquor store next to ANANDA FUARA…….then another buck and 65 for another same ale plus 99 cents on a package of turkey slices…….I know PETA, PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS, would hate me for that, but it’s cheap…….recently saw tape of poor turkeys being bludgeoned – terrible thing, really…….then made note of newspaper item about GOVERNOR ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER pushing for hybrid vehicles of some kind that are less polluting……….and P.J. CORKERY, Examiner columnist, mentioned LARRY ELLISON, his purchase of a huge yacht………and also, P.J. noted that AL GORE was in town recently, seen at the MATRIXFILLMORE to promote his daughter’s book…………so back to the financial expenditure – 2 bottles of northeast English ale and turkey slices………and a buck fifty for something else……….noted that the numbers balanced at that
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point – I’m good with numbers………and had 30 cents in THE JEFFERSON HOTEL room that were leftover from previously – so that left me with 17 bucks and one cent…………and then, in the room for a while – listened to a YARDBIRDS cassette the Brother Pete had given me out of his big collection……….and also, noted that I had distributed copies of one of my blogs in the hotel to 9 people…….then, later, outside again, a buck and 50 cents for more of the Newcastle ale – 15 cents less in the Tenderloin……….then 2-80 spent on Ancient Age whiskey and a can of COCA-COLA to cut it with………then spent 4 bucks and 29 cents on a bag of chips, a copy of The Chronicle, and more whiskey and Coke………..then spent some time with a hotel buddy – and got him a pair of ear buds at THE WHEREHOUSE for over five bucks……..then spent a buck on Market Street for an R.E.M. cassette since the last song had “Odd Fellows” in the title, actually……….then it was the next morning, the 25th of September, 3 days ago…….listened to KQED radio – recommended – smart people talking, always………and have to mention the Odd Fellows-sponsored art event that just concluded a 3-day run at the hall………RICHARD PERRI really did a whole lotta work on this, organizing it all – for next year, I much intend to add my energies to the enterprise, the 4th……….REBEKAH CHILDREN’S SERVICES, related to the INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS, benefits – they help kids in trouble……….and, and………had my share of red wine at the art event………….hello to former Grand Noble of the Lodge TONY – got to know him more………and met also good folks up from Gilroy, where Rebekah Children’s Services is located……..I am continuing to connect into the whole Odd Fellows venture………….and played good music during the days of the art event, cassettes I brought in – I think they really added to the ambiance…………and at some point, had 97 cents left from that 25 bucks………….75 cents of that went for a morning can of 7UP…..hope this minutiae isn’t bothering you…….listened also to the CAR TALK program – those two guys love laugh, it’s fun listening to ‘em, even tho’ I don’t have a lotta use for cars myself………..and drank my whiskey, lay in bed……..glanced at my pages taken from a J.C. Penney catalogue of a fine brunette in lingerie – really classy-looking woman……and studied also two copies of MAXIM magazine given me by a friend – Milla Jovovich on one, Anna Kournikova on the other………and studied at length, lubed, one MIRCEA MONROE in one of the copies of
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Maxim…………killer blonde starlet……….and also recently at CAFÉ MASON with a friend – another 24 hour place……..that evening didn’t end too well – departed from there with one angry employee on my case, following me out the door and acting in a highly-threatening manner……situation defused without incident, but I really should try and avoid, uh, situations like that………..but the Café Mason jukebox is excellent – one can do worse than play some of the music there, have a glass of wine……….and now I remember why I was a bit irate at the place – put in 2 bucks for 7 songs, but the machine skipped all but the first 3 – that is, JACKIE BLUE by THE OZARK MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS, and 2 by recently-in-the-news YUSEF (CAT STEVENS) ISLAM……………wanted to hear, like, SCARLET BEGONIAS by the GRATEFUL DEAD, ONE BAD APPLE by THE OSMONDS, AMERICA by NEIL DIAMOND, and other tunes……….but no……..wrote in my notes: “……….b*llsh*t box……..” – so, now that I think of it, maybe one might skip the place if the box acts funny like that……for sure, I am not welcome there just now – perhaps in a few weeks………thinking back, had similar bad situation there a few months ago……..not sure what the problem is…………….and, and – just to attend to the papers I have before me – groundscores today’s Chronicle Datebook section – worth 50 cents alone, I guess………Leah Garchik is fun to read – mention made of the Felix Dennis appearance in San Francisco………..he’s a poet………….funny title of the man’s tour: DID I MENTION THE FREE WINE FELIX DENNIS 2004 POETRY TOUR………get enough wine into ‘em and they’ll sit still for poetry…………..and MICKEY HART had some drum event up in Laytonville………….been listening to BOB WEIR’s ACE CD recently………and on and on………..wanna fill up five pages and get outta here…….and finally, today’s Examiner………that Richard Branson space flight story on the cover………….ALYSSA MILANO in the BILL PICTURE section – she says she doesn’t mind if a boyfriend cheats on her as long as she doesn’t know about it…………a recent poll shows a high approval rating for MAYOR GAVIN NEWSOM………….82% approval found among the 600 who were polled………also, the Mayor unveiled plan to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions……and on and on………and on a personal note………..expected to hear from Brother Pete at the lodge hall for work or whatever…….might just bicycle on over there………might be able to get a drink or 2 if he has, for me, work………
Monday, September 27, 2004
#137: 9/27/2004 3:20:03 PM………COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER, EDDY near Leavenworth………no new regular HOTMAIL for me – there’s some “junk” e-mail, tho’ – as follows – most pertinent, from THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY – a request – what is it? THE SEVEN SAMURAI, DVD – already picked up, and now in the hands of JEFFERSON HOTEL GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN SAMUEL – along with YOJIMBO – he’ll put it on the hotel movie schedule…………well, see, I have got a few papers and napkins to transcribe – so I’ll get to it – less to carry…………..napkins first, from YERBA BUENA LODGE #15 – ODD FELLOWS……………number one: LINDA RONSTADT, on the FM movie soundtrack – covering THE ROLLING STONES, TUMBLING DICE – impressive……………next: MANUKA HONEY – BROTHER PETE SELLARS had an article about this at the recent ART EVENT at 26 7th Street, the lodge hall………………get it at, like, RAINBOW GROCERY, or at the UNITED NATIONS PLAZA HEART OF THE CITY FARMERS MARKET……………….next: Bro’ Pete recommends STEVE OLIFF – GOOGLE on the man – SEQUENTIAL ARTISTRY in motion and emotion…………NORTHERN CALI STYLE…………also: AVRIL LAVIGNE, not to change the subject too much – September 27 is her birthday – today? Whatever…………….listen to her sing, get her discs……………..now: on the 25th of September, one-49 pm – DO IT AGAIN by STEELY DAN – had that programmed at the lodge hall – courtesy of Bro’ Pete…………….and the electrician commented thusly: SWITCHES FRIED – good title……………………..and in other news: Brian issued a note about waste being thrown out of the Jefferson – whatever…………..I guess I have been there……………and must recommend MARY HOWARD – nice card at the show, the art event, Mary………art deco……..and speaking of that art event – I gotta hand it to the art critics – it’s a piece of work to check out the art – I got the names and information about just 6 of the featured artists at this last show: ZABRINA TIPTON – ASTONISHINGLY GOLDEN – five-twenty-five………DEBORAH BERTOLA – LEAVING NICASIO III – two hundred…………..JAMES HARTMAN – INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE, CROCKETT – two grand and a half a grand…………..CHRIS ADESSA – INNER PATH – 8 hundred……………….MARILYN DAVIS CULLEN – CHINA CAMP VIEW – a grand and 2 hundred clams………….MARY HOWARD – BOLINAS LAGOON – four-twenty-five………and that’s just six of the artists, out of 57, I believe……………………so that’s about it – got a lotta notes to get to next time, or whenever…………and please don’t forget the archived material – I been busy since, like, January of this year, basically – this is number one-thirty-seven – so you got a bit to read if you care to………………..’cause I care a bit, sho’ nuff………………………but seriously – just gotta fill a few mo’ lines to get this page done………..read, like, JOHN DONNE….IAMBIC PENTAMETER: “…..the fun has just begun, the moons are up/because you’ve filled your special luvvin’ cup………”
Friday, September 24, 2004
#136….liquored up with a NEWCASTLE BROWN ALE – a buck and 65 at the store on Market next to ANANDA FUARA, the Sri Chinmoy joint for veggie spiritual food – recommended – try the fine PRANA TEA – under two bucks – guess, maybe, I should go for that, perhaps, instead of the northeast English ale…….maybe….maybe a mix……right – just read a transcript of a Sixties ALAN WATTS radio program where he says POWDERED GREEN TEA is similar to GUINNESS plus YERBA MATE TEA……..but where were we? Now: liquored up with that English ale – not bitter, and the price to drink it on the street or in some discreet non-pub location is right – would cost twice as much in a pub……..altho’ the INDIA CURRY HOUSE plus KENNEDY’S PUB there on Columbus across from Bimbo’s – they’ve got 2 buck Guinness pints…..plus a KILLER digital jukebox…….but. Like…….had a dream about LIV TYLER last night, I just remember…….but…….like………..let us get down to business………here at the SAN FRANCISCO facility of THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES……..170 OTIS – recommended for your computer and job search needs………now – back to yesterday at the superlative COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER run by THE NETWORK ASSOCIATES at Eddy and Leavenworth – patronize them……..did a blog, came out through BLOGGER.COM in print much too small, for some reason – was it MY fault? Just done changing the size of the print – should be better now – especially for, like, SAMI, him, at THE ODD FELLOWS LODGE YERBA BUENA #15, MY lodge……….then after the blog at the CTC, to the MOUNT ZION LABOUR OF LOVE venue just down Leavenworth – food all gone – they were delivering quite a bit of what looked like something substantial, right off the truck – good for them – I had food to get to at the INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS lodge, since there was a meeting last night – free food, a coupla Guinness bottles…..and just checked at Blogger.com – the print is of fine size now, easy to read………..now: back in THE JEFFERSON HOTEL at ten after five yesterday afternoon – brushed teeth, sorted tapes from LODGE BROTHER PETE SELLARS……dropped off THE EXAMINER I had picked up and hadn’t gotten to yet……gotta get to THE CHRONICLE – don’t wanna pay 50 cents for it, tho’…..would pay a quarter………..also got some sort of voting guide from the state…….then back bicycling to the IOOF building…….on the way out, friend J on way to friend’s friend room – still thinking about the interlude with said friend’s friend – stoney end……..in the hotel, GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN SAMUEL had programmed 2, count ‘em, 2 Cuba Gooding, Jr. flicks…..had to miss one and part of the second, THE FIGHTING TEMPTATIONS………..quarter past five, at the lodge hall………..was early, left to go for a bike ride, get to the library……..no food at the lodge til 6……and across from the lodge hall at 7th and Market, a gathered milling throng had been dispersed by THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICE DEPARTMENT – the black and whites can converge rather quickly………..and into the library, did my thing, whatever……outside, hungry a bit, had some bread from BERKELEY that had been left outside………thought more of friend’s friend………..I tell you, mindf*cking seems to be an art he has worked on……..guess he can be nice enough – another one that has to be HANDLED…………self-defense issues on my mind…..then back to the lodge hall – meatballs, pastrami sandwich, Guinness for me – really full………not a place for sensitive vegans……..met guy named Tony – not a thin one, he……interesting to talk to – mentioned music mogul Clive Davis, and Tony had his many thoughts about him……..and a little after 7, the meeting began……….I was functioning as secretary-in-training, with Brother Pete ably guiding me through the steps………getting paid 25 bucks for the work – glad to get that – and Newcastle Brown Ale probably glad to get the customer………and thought of a line of IAMBIC PENTAMETER:
So went about the Robert’s Rules of Order business……..interesting to see the formal process in action………at quarter past 8, the meeting ended…….socialized a bit, had more meatballs………at about 10 to 9, back at the Jefferson – watched some of The Fighting Temptations with the amusing Gooding, Jr. and the highly-delectable BEYONCE KNOWLES – really good family movie, very, very much so – O’Jays appearing and on the soundtrack, and the hilarious STEVE HARVEY…….and many others………fine gospel music – the climax happens at THE GOSPEL EXPLOSION, a funny name………fantastic music………..then up to the room – had a Beyonce CD I GROUNDSCORED a while back and listened to the first three tracks – surprisingly, she quotes DONNA SUMMER’s LOVE TO LOVE YOU BABY on one track…….pretty secular there, Beyonce……….but I liked it……..she was with Destiny’s Child, a 3-woman act, for a while, but now I guess she’s on to solo work………..then sleep, whatever……….this morning, half past 8 – turned on KQED radio, news of the Kerry campaign – totally off my radar – I’m a bit focusing on MAYOR GAVIN NEWSOM and somewhat on Governor Grope-, I mean, GROOVEINATOR – yeah, that’s it………but, after the politics, was really interested in a segment on exercise guru JACK LALANNE, who’ll be turning 90 Sunday……watched him as a kid…….ESPN is running, like, 9 hours of his exercise programs………and he’s selling a good juicer these days, and still spryer than a teenager, from his radio voice……..the man loves to make jokes, full of life force…………funny, tho’ – he actually says he never liked to exercise – weird………he jokes about having a hangover – but not the alcohol kind – the kind when flab “hangs over” your pants, like……..much enjoyed that segment on Mr. LaLanne – check out JOHN’S GRILL there just off Powell near Market – there’s a “Jack LaLanne Salad” on the menu………….not to mention the DASHIELL HAMMETT ambience…………then turned on some music from Brother Pete: THE YARDBIRDS with ERIC CLAPTON from the Sixties – FOR YOU LOVE, HEART FULL OF SOUL, like that………….then over by bike to CITY CHEX with the 25 buck check from the Odd Fellows – they wanted two-fifty as a charge, but I swallowed that – don’t have enough in the bank for BANK OF AMERICA to cash it for me without a wait – whatever……..and across the street, the PHOENIX HOTEL – some big bus outside – who’s there? And would mention two Jefferson folks I saw outside the hotel smoking and drinking coffee, but I’m not sure who wants mentioning………..then down with my plastic bag of library items to return: a collection of 8 classic comedies, including a Machiavelli one, a VELVET UNDERGROUND disc, one from STEELY DAN, one from VAN MORRISON…..THE MALTESE FALCON and TOWERS OPEN FIRE (with Burroughs) on video….and a SONNY BARGER one….then more, the ale, a cell call, it joins all, synchronicities…..
Thursday, September 23, 2004
#135……..consider MesArt at 1554 Market – 2 nice cats in that art facility – told that RON NEWMAN there is participating in the ART SHOW beginning on September 24th at the ODD FELLOWS BUILDING at 26 7th Street at Market, in SAN FRANCISCO….then over to THE HEART OF THE CITY FARMERS MARKET to look for free samples – none just then of the SANGER farm tomatoes…….plenty of fruit there to be had for the free tasting, but I didn’t have a yen for sweets just then…..then to THE JEFFERSON HOTEL with copies of a new blog for various residents in that fine facility….then bicycled over to GLIDE CHURCH – too late for the food there – headed over to UNION SQUARE for food….stopped by a forklift at the Hilton Hotel across from Glide – loading several big cases of beer into the hotel…..then a pause at a red at Ellis & Cyril Magnin Street…..just about then, half-past one yesterday, saw as I cruised down to Powell my friend and his cat FAGAN – mentioned this feline in a previous blog – said hello to both – the cat was being fussy, secreting himself underneath a vehicle……at 1:41pm, there at Union Square – found some fresh fries to eat, not stale ones like I’ve had in the past……and about a tenth of a hamburger with a fragment of cheese remaining – not bad…….and at eleven past two, back to the Farmers Market after checking the perimeter of Union Square for edibles – found a few other items – a lotta Coca-Cola, and ice, which was welcome on the hot day…….circled around UN Plaza briefly, sought shade at a BART entrance………enjoyed a sample of a Sanger nectarine…..at 2:15pm, in THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY again – checked my patron record again – CASABLANCA on video was in to be picked up……and took out a reading of a biography of Henry the Eighth – 16 audio cassettes, 22 point 5 hours in all…..2:33pm, yesterday, back in my room at the Jefferson – picked up at front desk 2 pages from a J.C. Penney catalogue featuring an exceptional beauty in lingerie – forgot that I had put that into my mail slot earlier in the day…….and in the room, 12 audio cassettes of music from ODD FELLOW BROTHER PETE SELLARS of THE YERBA BUENA LODGE, #15……..selected a live David Bowie concert from ’74….and there was Warrant’s Cherry Pie, Duran Duran’s Rio, Pink Floyd’s The Wall, and You Can Dance by Madonna…….2:53pm, sensual lube, the catalogue image…….then turned on the Henry the Eighth tape set – Erasmus mentioned, called a “celebrated Dutch humanist”……and got a call from a long-time friend – we planned to meet at THE SAN FRANCISCO BREWING COMPANY up in North Beach – Pacific at Columbus – fine establishment – ALLAN PAUL runs the place, microbrews made there………had a long talk and good time, 2 hours worth and more, with said friend – if it’d been recorded coulda put it down here…….then this morning, more of the cassettes from Brother Pete…….a bit of a band called Mayzfall, recorded in Hayward back over a decade ago – don’t know what happened to ‘em – maybe a big hit locally back then……..As You Wish is the album name…….and more of that live ’74 Bowie……..and want to mention JEFFERSON HOTEL GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN SAMUEL – put on a movie night last night that I didn’t attend due to being up in North Beach with my friend…….so then, at 5pm, up to the San Francisco Brewing Company – got a call then from my buddy, and I crossed town on my bicycle at rush hour quick style – still a warm day – slit black skirt on woman as I paused at Montgomery and California…..had on my back a duffel bag with dozens of the music cassettes from Brother Pete – for my friend to select from – he took only for: a ROBERT JOHNSON best of, a GENE CHANDLER (some 50s soul star), a SCORPIONS (friend particularly interested in ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE), and a JEFF BECK……and met also a fellow I knew from the 16th Street Hotel up in the Mission – from Zimbabwe…….friend didn’t wanna sit with him, so I went in to see my other friend, gave him my contact information, told him the situation, and it was fine….another Zimbabwe friend can be contacted through this one – told him to call the other one and call me….and Allan Paul came outside and sat for a while – my friend and I were outside, as he likes it – he bought me several ½ pints of the microbrew…….and then Mr. Paul appeared again, got on his motorcycle, and headed north on Columbus – then at 7:47pm, still at the Brewing Company – friend had ordered 2 pints, one for each of us, but they didn’t come after, like 20 minutes – guess they were sending us a message……we waited for a while longer, talked – in front of me, as my buddy went in to check on those pints, nice legs in a short skirt, talking to a guy……then the ride to the Tenderloin after accompanying my buddy back to the Embarcadero Muni station – he lives out in the Avenues now………then whatever, sleep, up this morning, the 23rd, at quarter past nine – neighbor over – said he was getting money today and he’d buy me some whiskey – I had been dozing in and out of sleep, listing to my RICHARD CARLSON DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF audio tape…….neighbor invited me over, along with my music box, so we could listen to music for a while until he got his money at 11am…….before I went over to his room, did my morning ablutions – shaved, brushed teeth with baking soda, did a few push-ups…….over to the rest room, radio from another room: Giants near the top of their division, could go into post-season……..brought audio cassettes over to my friend and he was really happy at the boon – he took, like, a coupla dozen, and that was fine by me – glad to see they were going to someone who really wanted them – he’s a good musician and maybe the tapes would inspire him…..he took that Duran Duran, 4 JOHNNY WINTER s, a JAMES BROWN, a PROCOL HARUM, WHITE ZOMBIE’s ASTRO-CREEP: 2000, and JEFFERSON STARSHIP’S NO PROTECTION……and then a friend of my friend’s came over, with something to smoke – haven’t smoked that way but 4 times, like, in four years – had 2 puffs, and that was enough – friend’s friend an intense one, laying a certain vibe on me – and intensity’s not what I am necessarily after – felt a bit put out, frankly…….but I rolled with those changes……..so at a time……..so after a time I had enough of friend’s friend, made moves to go with my music box – kind of a mindf*cker, the fellow was – but I like him in measured doses well enough, I spoze……..then back to the room – had a 2pm appointment at the Odd Fellows Building to stuff envelopes……….it was about 10:30am……friend said he’d have the money for me, just straight up cash if I didn’t want whiskey, at 11:30am – said he’d knock – but he didn’t – whatever…..was feeling the effect of that smoke and the vibe of friend’s friend, and was into being alone and thoughtful for a good coupla hours til noon-time….studied a bit of an IDRIES SHAH SUFI text during this interval – fine words……and at 1pm got a call from Brother Pete at Yerba Buena #15 – said I could come down right then, get the tapes………..waited a bit, studied a bicycle repair book that my friend gave me in North Beach last night………he’d been holding it for many years……but I’ve got a coupla fellas in the hotel who are good bicycle mechanics and can tune my machine for me……then at 1:28pm, not to be so exact, left by bike for the Odd Fellows Building….on the way out, gave friend’s friend who had offered the smoke the Van Halen 5150 cassette that friend had left in my music box – he was in there, in his room, with another guy – more smoke being rolled…..said thanks for the earlier smoke, and the friend’s friend said thanks, and bless me……not one to be trifled with, friend’s friend – focused vibe, tho’…….then over to the INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS BUILDING – met with fella I knew from before, one SAMI, and Brother Pete……must note the GYROTONIC facility in the building as well – see Debra Rose for that work…….and chatted with Pete a bit….then setting to work, Sami and I – folding a recent news bulletin, stuffing them into envelopes, addressing the envelopes…..about 60 or so of these done……and Sami and I got to know each other better……he told me he reads this blog quite regularly, and has notified other Odd Fellows of this blog, so that got me a bit more on my toes…….been on somewhat of an autopilot mode the last few…….so this one is perhaps a bit more focused……….so that about takes it up to the present – quite a smoked-out day for me this day, with friend’s friend’s vibes – gonna take him in small amounts, if at all…..he might operate on a fear-based mode, perhaps…..gotta get back to the IOOF building for their bi-weekly meeting – Pete’s grooming me to be a secretary there, transcribe the tapes of the proceedings…….done that before in a previous job……had a good meeting of the minds with Sami today……knowing that she’s reading this will keep me to the honest side, it’s likely, tho’ I am there anyway, pretty much, yeah…….
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
#134: 9/22/2004 12:31:03 PM……back at the excellent 170 OTIS – recommended for free computers…..now – to the latest notes: something about roast beef last night at the MOUNT ZION LABOUR OF LOVE MININSTRY on Leavenworth near Eddy – musta had some……no whiskey last night, and none this morning – about 24 hours since my last Ancient Age hit…….not feeling it – am at what the Alcoholics Anonymous people call the first stage – the fluid is still benign and it feels like one’s life is benefiting from the drinking……had 10 copies of the last blog – not sure about how to distribute them, if at all……don’t really need, don’t really want so many to be reading this, anyway – just some money in my pocket is the objective….at half-past six last night I was at the COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER on Eddy doing another blog – four pages – a list of the 42 items that I currently have out from THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY comprised the last 3 pages…..and more food had been delivered into THE JEFFERSON HOTEL, probably by FOODRUNNERS – chicken in a creamy sauce that I didn’t particularly care for, pasta – took my share and didn’t eat it all……knocked on doors of 3 people who may not have known the food was downstairs – only one responded, tenant representative Prince Bush – he went down and thanked me later………so back to the room – the blog printed out on 2 double-sided pages, which I rarely do – the printer was set that way, didn’t intend it – liked the effect……then the room – no whiskey – moved my library items to a shelf space above my closet – had trail mix I found somewhere, groundscored somewhere….listened to my audio version of the abridged The Thin Man……feeling sexual desire, not focused on anyone in particular – erotic feelings……drifted into sleep – listened to my audio book of The Warlord of Mars……..then it was this morning – had a weird dream which featured Michael Jackson, me introducing him to my mother – weird…….read a bit in my Paul Bowles Tangier diary volume, and selected Marco Vassi’s In Touch for later reading – my bookselling friend STEPHEN HENEL has got some primo porn in text form for sale – gotta get some of that, I guess…….listened to the groundscored CD I got with the likes of GREGORY ABBOTT doing SHAKE YOU DOWN and EARTH, WIND AND FIRE doing CAN’T HIDE LOVE…..had some of my VITAMINERAL GREEN powder mixed in YMCA filtered water – get it at RAINBOW GROCERY……then downstairs – sat in the lobby a bit, talked with desk man Walter – part of the Sunday paper was downstairs – read about local writer Cintra Wilson, now in New York – and TV idol Katie Holmes…..THE BAY GUARDIAN new one was out – “The Sex Issue” – only 4 articles on the topic, which is a very small percentage of the entire issue, actually…..Walter joked to me about guessing who was gonna host today’s, Wednesday’s, Jefferson Coffee Day……I paused…..was gonna say Mayor Newsom, but guessed Henry Kissinger, who is mentioned more than once in that FAWLTY TOWERS CD set I am listening to, for some reason……..Walter jokes that it’s him – I get along well with Walter – no static at all……..so to the 4 sex articles: liked photo of woman in some show called “Pussy Factor”……..and donuts were to be had this morning – had one – but no coffee………and a hippie lady who lives in the hotel came downstairs – name deleted – spoke of going to the Avalon Ballroom back in the glory days, walking barefoot for blocks and blocks down Van Ness to get there, and sitting close, very close to the musical luminaries……..and turned my attention to the Kimberly Chun SONIC REDUCER column in The Bay Guardian – critical of Mayor Newsom for possibly having something to do with the taking down of music show flyers from poles in the Mission – she comments on his pomaded hair – low blow………then another hotel mate comes by and says he has coffee in his room – we go up, I have a cup – he goes out for a bit and I stay in his room and turn on that Key West girls in bikinis tape I bought for 5 bucks on the street – got bored with it – put on READY TO WEAR, which I groundscored for free – I guess groundscoring precludes the free part – if it’s groundscored, it’s free, by definition…….but then my friend came back – he was bored with Ready to Wear, so I turned it off…….spent a few more minutes with my friend, then to my bicycle, and off to Otis……….saw the mayor walking east on Van Ness with a contingent of folks and a coupla police officers keeping guard – the mayor was addressing the folks about something – I was zooming by on my bike – always nice to see Mayor Newsom……..paused to check the SF WEEKLY for the ROB BREZSNY Free Will Astrology column – didn’t find it as relevant today as I usually do…….then to 170 Otis – had to wait 45 minutes for a machine, so I was out of there……….then to the library to check on my patron record……..ran a check on what they had for Winona Ryder – wanted ALIEN: RESURRECTION but it wasn’t available for some reason – missing copy, whatever….selected GIRL, INTERRUPTED instead………so that’s the end of my notes – been doing stuff between that request and now, 1pm in the afternoon, but for the life of me I don’t remember what, exactly – certainly not drinking whiskey………that’s it for now……
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
#133, this one is - the numbering was off on the last few.....
and there are 3 pages I typed out earlier today that are only on paper - BLOGGER.COM, the free blog service I use, wasn't responding,
wouldn’t accept my offering, so I couldn't post those.......whatever.......hate to have gone through with the task of typing
without getting anything into this........anyway - missing my whiskey –
got, like ten days to go til I get any more money –
I can always find food in trash cans or go to Glide,
but whiskey's harder to come by.....
guess I could use a drying out period.........no e-mails to report on –
it has a copy of YOJIMBO on DVD ready to pick up –
based, you may not know, on RED HARVEST by DASHIELL HAMMETT.......
so I can suggest that to JEFFERSON HOTEL GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN SAMUEL as a selection for the hotel's movie night.....
like I said, there were three pages of notes I typed out that aren't in this record –
I feel a bit of a loss at that – can't be bothered to type it all out again..............
well, wouldn't mind being up in the hotel room, drinking,
listening to music.................and glad to have a bicycle in my life again –
am on it a lot - have taken it over to North Beach and to the Mission –
a coupla guys in the hotel are at the pro bike mechanic level
and have tuned it up for me...am getting a lot of exercise cruising around.........
as far as water is concerned: since I'm out of money I went down to the YMCA this morning 2 blocks away with a big plastic bottle and filled up at one of their fountains, one with a filter on it – don’t feel comfortable, frankly, drinking the San Francisco tap water, not with the probably corroded nature of some of the piping the H20 flows through………..and as far as sex is concerned: don’t recall seeing any knock-outs on the street today….was over at the Odd Fellows Building to see artists setting up their work on the walls of the club room for the upcoming show, and one of ‘em seemed cute enough, but I didn’t focus on her – riding around the streets, I frequently see really cute women……….so: water, sex……..what else is there? Whiskey, music…..have got music a-plenty to listen to – especially since Brother Pete Sellars of the Odd Fellows lodge continues to provide me with cassettes………another night by myself – plus my FAWLTY TOWERS BBC radio episodes………and no whiskey…….could take my bicycle out for a ride to find some trash to eat – a slogan for recycling is “It’s not trash, it’s cash!” For my dining enjoyment, it also goes: “It’s not trash, it’s…….dinner!” Doesn’t rhyme, but it still spells good eatin’! Got a few cans and bottles to recycle, but I’m a bit sick of that whole process – but if I’m hankerin’ after Ancient Age enough, that may very well change………..
#133 (page 2 of 4)
……I’ve got a good half hour and more left here at the Tenderloin Computer Training Center so I might as well continue with my listing of the books and other items checked out from the library:
VILLA INCOGNITO Audio version of the TOM ROBBINS novel – he’s one of my favorite novelists.
I BOUGHT ANDY WARHOL By Richard Polsky – tells of his adventures in the art world seeking a proper Warhol canvas.
KEITH RICHARDS: THE BIOGRAPHY By Victor Bockris – a lot of good details about the Stones guitarist.
RIDIN’ HIGH, LIVIN’ FREE Stories of motorcycle riding by former Hell’s Angels Maximum Leader Sonny Barger.
HELL’S ANGELS: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SONNY BARGER… The title pretty much explains it – includes his take on what happened at Altamont.
TUPELO HONEY The Van Morrison CD…….partially recorded at Wally Heider Studios, just around the corner from the hotel I’m in.
EIGHT GREAT COMEDIES A selection of classic plays – I got it for the one by Niccolo Machiavelli – yeah, he was a funny as well as, like Machiavellian.
TWO AGAINST NATURE Recent work by Steely Dan – still haven’t got their very last one, EVERYTHING MUST GO.
NEUROMANCER William Gibson’s first novel, and still maybe my favorite by him.
THE OUTSIDER Written by Colin Wilson when he was 24, which is amazing, since it’s a very deep book – Mohammar Qadafi said to have liked it.
THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATE A collection of work by Ambrose Bierce – a true classic San Francisco writer.
#133 (page 3 of 4)
BENEATH THE DIAMOND SKY By British journalist Barney Hoskyns, a very good look at the Haight-Ashbury, with a lot of fascinating pictures.
SKEPTICISM AND DISSENT Another collection of Ambrose Bierce.
GALLOWAY Western writer Louis L’Amour on CD – enjoyed this one a lot – good reader of the compelling first-person narrative.
ZEN AND THE BEAT WAY Collected transcriptions of radio work by Alan Watts.
FOUR FILMS BY ANTHONY BALCH Experimental short films done in the Sixties and Seventies featuring William Burroughs and Brion Gysin and friends.
LOUD, FAST RAMONES CD with the famous punk band.
THE MALTESE FALCON Video of the Humphrey Bogart film.
BACK IN NO TIME Collection of Brion Gysin written material.
MY HUSBAND, MY FRIEND The story of Steve McQueen told by wife Neile.
MCQUEEN: THE UNTOLD STORY… More about the movie star – recently saw Bullitt along with Blade Runner – two picks of mine for my hotel’s movie night.
DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF By Richard Carlson, on audio cassette – inspirational good advice from the stress-relief expert.
THE VELVET UNDERGROUND CD with the band’s top hits.
HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY Another self-help audio book.
KNOWING HOW TO KNOW A book of Sufi wisdom by Idries Shah – always surprising – really recommended.
THREE PLAYS BY MAE WEST Yup, written work by this blonde bombshell.
#133 (page 4 of 4)
TO SIR, WITH LOVE Novel from the Fifties which the movie with Sidney Poitier was based on.
TOTAL FREEDOM By J. Krishnamurti.
MEETING LIFE By the same author.
CENSORED BOOKS A discussion of various books that have met with opposition from the powers-that-be.
DAYS A journal of life in Tangier by Paul Bowles.
THE WARLORD OF MARS Audio book of the Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction epic.
SAMUEL GOLDWYN Analysis of the movie mogul.
COSMOPOLIS Audio version of the Don DeLillo novel.
THE THIN MAN Audio version of the Dashiell Hammett book.
A DRIVING PASSION Selections from Marco Vassi, notorious sex philosopher and writer.
HIGH FIDELITY Nick Hornby’s funny novel – features a lot about pop music.
Also: IN TOUCH by Marco Vassi, THE COMPLETE FAWLTY TOWERS on CD, and finally, THE THREE IMPOSTERS, a weird old novel by Arthur Machen………so what to make of this list of 42 items? Pretty heavy on Sixties material….and pop culture – I’m no intellectual giant…….I really like audio books – the library should get more of ‘em…….and I should say, I haven’t read all of these completely – I tend to keep ‘em out as long as possible, renewing when possible, and only then get to ‘em, scanning a lot of them……..I just like having these around, even tho’ I have to get ‘em back to the public shelves….fine with me.
Monday, September 20, 2004
#131…..lines of dialogue for someone and something: “Forty years after, b*tches………” and “Love us three times……” and “Yoga shmoga……” – am toying with the idea of writing something in regular novel prose form……anyway, other random ideas: Pink should do “Break On Through”…..and recommended for anyone: Buckminster Fuller – CRITICAL PATH, for example………gave Jefferson hotel friend (name deleted) the free CD I got of a short story based on Dune – the latest incarnation of that series, done by the son of Frank Herbert and some other guy – got that at the great BORDERLANDS on Valencia; and was at THE BROWN JUG on the 17th, about 11pm – had to pay three-75 for a Budweiser in a bottle because the regular tap wasn’t working – that plus a dollar tip got me a quarter back from a five………there’s a write-up framed inside that comments on the Jug’s “reassuring seediness”…….and I put in 2 bucks for 7 songs, and this is the list: THIS TIME IT’S REAL by TOWER OF POWER, LIKE A ROLLING STONE live by the Stones, SUPERFLY by CURTIS MAYFIELD, LADY LOVE by LOU RAWLS, BEER DRINKERS AND HELL RAISERS by Z.Z. TOP, WHY CAN’T WE BE FRIENDS by War, BIG CITY NIGHTS by THE SCORPIONS…..and thought of other lines: “Mindblowing 101……” and “…c’mon, Mick!” and “Darkness of day…….” And “Set going on………” and thought of Kimberly (or Kimberley) Guilfoyle Newsom……and listed various other celebrities that were on my mind for some reason: Sofia Coppola, Gary Snyder, Carlos Santana, Neil Young, Lou Rawls, Angelina Jolie, Sylvester Stallone, Milla Jovovich, Darby Conley – the last is sort of a celebrity – he does the great GET FUZZY comic strip….and put 2 more bucks into the Brown Jug box for these songs: RUN THROUGH THE JUNGLE by CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL, LA LA MEANS I LOVE YOU by THE DELFONICS, ROADHOUSE BLUES by THE DOORS, TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN by STEVE MILLER, EAGLES – HOTEL CALIFORNIA, TOWER OF POWER – WHAT IS HIP, YOU CAN’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT – STONES….and various other cryptical notes that seemed to mean something significant at the time that I won’t include in this blog…….whatever…….. mixed crowd in the Jug that night – looks like 20-somethings are discovering it…….remember talking to a nice-enough young woman there – she was having a Guinness…….and had a problem with some guy who partially blocked my way as I was leaving – not sure what his issue was – I was minding my own business – got out of there with no harm done…..and the next morning, vacuumed, which I hadn’t done in a long while – not that I have much floor space to clean……..and shaved, which I also have a habit of not doing for weeks on end – not that I have much of a beard in any case……did some push-ups – doing more of those lately……had leftover whiskey……..about 5 bucks left for the rest of the month……about 2 weeks until I get three-hundred-and-eight bucks on the 1st of October, and 7 hundred 59 on the 3rd……..and listened to some of the JOHNNY WINTER that ODD FELLOWS BUILDING ADMINISTRATOR PETE SELLARS gave me………and SHAMBALA by THREE DOG NIGHT…..and hotel neighbor Joe was in the room for a while – made me a cigarette…….and read in that ’77 issue of PLAYBOY that I mentioned before – classic magazine – pin-up is one STAR STOWE – she says she’s “a one-band woman, not a groupie”, tho’ she was really into Gene Simmons…….Googled on her and was surprised to find much material about her – I mean, I’m not sure what else she did besides appearing in Playboy over 25 years ago, and there’s all this material on her on the Internet…….then to Glide for lunch and a bag lunch……and have got a video cassette library building in Joe’s room – my contributions so far: a Key West video with girls in and out of bikinis, I’M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKA (parody of blaxploitation movies), and a tape with 2 episodes of the Seventies FLIP WILSON show………..then listened to more of a live BACHMAN-TURNER OVERDRIVE tape………and thought of a line: “…we love to work at nothing this night…….” – and BARRY BONDS has joined “Club 700”, if my notes are correct…….then biking around – including seeing the superlative EDWARD JACKSON dancing at the Powell Street cable car turn – offered him whiskey but he pulls up his shirt to show his super-toned abdominals and tells me if he drank it he “can’t hold on to that”……gotta apologize to him for being a bit of a pest, I think it was yesterday – threw an empty ANCIENT AGE bottle in his money offering container and he didn’t find that amusing…….then up to MARQUARD’S newsstand to glance through THE WEEKLY WORLD NEWS…ALIEN SEX is a theme in that publication……then on to Union Square – Korean event there, with speakers, music – I went through trash cans along the perimeter looking for some food…….then past Macy’s – their “Holiday Lane” sign is already up – already preparing for Christmas……and a guy on the corner had brought out his large male Siamese mix cat – he stood there, the cat was really kicking back and calm despite the bustle of the passing crowd – and people put in money in a can in front of the cat just to see the feline out there on the street……..and talked with another friend Joe – told me of an event at 60 6th Street, free food – went down there but it wasn’t free, so I passed it by…….and back to Powell Street – found a bag of videos and selected 12 MONKEYS and READY TO WEAR and brought ‘em back to the video library at Joe’s………and thought of a line: “Too fast for lust……” – and then it was a waiting on FOOD NOT BOMBS…bicycle delivery of some bread there……..and thought to Google on DAVID HAMILTON, check on that erotica on the ‘net……..then it was a Sunday, yesterday – listened once again to the RICHARD CARLSON audio book of DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF – inspirational….had some of my VITAMINERAL GREEN drink – gotta get more of that into my biology…..and looked at a 5TH DIMENSION live double LP that I found – wanna get that onto cassette – then downstairs to the Jefferson lobby – had a 7up, looked through an FHM magazine someone had left – cute chixxxxxxxxxxxx – Walter was at the front desk – and Thomas was down there as well…….someone had also left a magazine from 1961 down there and I showed it to Walter, who was surprised that it was there, took some interest in it……then up past the Brown Jug – they’ve posted another, newer write-up out front – great review…….and then back to the room, listened to a new tape from night man Keith, featuring some James Bond movie music……..then to the library, and the Sunday HEART OF THE CITY FARMERS’ MARKET – had tomato samples from The Fruit Factory in Sanger – established 1953……then to Union Square yet again – to get more food, I guess – my notes are a bit skimpy – whatever……then to the area in front of City Hall – an outfit called Pacific Sounds was putting on a musical event with a heavy-duty sound system – cute double braids on a young woman dancing, hip hop style……..and from the library, had a book of DASHIELL HAMMETT letters……even Raymond Chandler has praise for Hammett, saying Hammett wrote “scenes that seemed never to have been written before……..” – and that’s about it for these notes – a bit hurried and, like, skimpy…….but there you have it.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
#130………now: then to THE EMPIRE MARKET at Eddy and Leavenworth for a 50 cent can of NOR CAL cola or whatever to cut my whiskey with – usually, such a quantity of such a substance is 65 cents or even 75 cents……..then it was the 17th of September, a Friday, 2 days ago………….about half-past 6 in the evening…….met friend Joe – different than the Joe in the hotel…….no, actually, the hotel Joe – had some of the 501 or 151, whatever….JAMES TAYLOR on my music box – okay, it was Room 501……….whiskey, not the Puerto Rican rum…….got that Sweet Baby James near the Odd Fellows building for a buck……..Joe liked it, liked the drink………..COUNTRY ROAD by JT is a good track…..reminded me of my BERKELEY days years ago, Gary and NED GETLINE there……….and I figured: BOB WEIR versus, like, James Taylor – prefer, I guess, Weir……….and thought of a title: GRACEFUL DEEDS…..figured Jefferson Joe and I could go up to THE HAIGHT at some time……and there’s a “Greg 518” reference – whatever……….right – he brought up NINJA FORCE OF ASSASSINS on video to watch……..and then, like THE DOORS from Pete, this on Friday, two days ago, less than 48 hours ago – half-past 8 in the evening………thanks to Pete S. of the Odd Fellows……….and thought of an IMABIC PENTAMETER line:
“…..essential riders, ninety synergies,
because it’s what you all can surely please………”
Well, that was, actually, an iambic pentameter couplet………….so let’s go on – won’t get to all my notes this time – two pages, two blog pages, will suit for now……..satisfactory results…..living in San Francisco…….nickel phone calls are a long way in the past…..CHRISTOPHER CAEN………..and daughters…….and Walter’s dog Astro….and SAKS on UNION SQUARE…….and Nora, and James Joyce…..and Dorothy………and the Whiz…………..and the drinks that I had poured………..and then back in ’29 – twenty-29, that is………..f*ck the Mayan factorials……….detection is their game, these women…….Amtrak, sleuthing……..Highway 64 and 54 revisited……..JOHNNY WINTER, the Odd Fellows Lodge……..CHUCK BERRY…….Johnny Winter be gooder………and there’s a line from a novel:
“Light my fire,” said she, and her sisters as well.”
And then she said: “People are strangers…..but I have worked on that, so it’s no longer so………………..”
And and all her sisters thus agreed – their deedrequires not a egg’s seed, but……..dead feed………………
Gotta tell you all, that this SAN FRANCISCO MAIN LIBRARY computer is fast as it wantsa be………SFPL is the chosen font this Sunday late afternoon………now: a lot of handwritten notes to get to – don’t wanna particularly carry them now – got, like, whiskey to carry – ANCIENT AGE KENTUCKY brand, to be specific………now: gotta thank ODD FELLOWS BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT PETE SELLARS for many fine cassettes of music he’s given me of late……..and there’s a really great food place downstairs on 7th near Market – 50 cents for EGGDROP SOUP, plus an eggroll for the same price…..and fried rice for the same half buck…….and got an idea for a novel: BROAD HOUSE – subtitled “San Francisco Women” – and thanks also to GLIDE CHURCH for providing so many good and free meals – was over there not long ago, some Christian music group was all “Amazing Grace” and Jesus with the blind man, all that, plus a bag o’ chips…….then to the EMPIRE MARKET at Leavenworth and Eddy for whiskey……..and the TENDERLOIN SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT – TSIP – was in force then – this yesterday or the day before, like……….then to my JEFFERSON HOTEL room for a “session” with lube and “Sherry” from a mid-Seventies PLAYBOY magazine…….then some WANG CHUNG from a tape from Odd Fellow brother Pete…….the cassette was named POINTS ON A CURVE – DANCE HALL DAYS was on it – but not EVERYBODY HAVE FUN TONIGHT………and then into some of THE DAMNED from, like, 1989…..”New Rose” was the first song – did WILLIAM GIBSON take his cute cue from that number? And The Damned also did IS SHE REALLY GOING OUT WITH HIM? – some cover…..then some DON HENLEY from a tape I purchase for a dollar at THE COMMUNITY THRIFT STORE there on Valencia near 16th………..worth every penny…and I handled more cassettes as well…………….then to the Main Branch of the SFPL to see if any of my requested books had come in……….and consulted with STEPHEN HENEL at UNITED NATIONS PLAZA on paperbacks – he offered me VAUGHN BODE at a cut-rate price – his EROTICA – worth it…….and he has a magazine from the, like, late Sixties, perhaps, with JACQUELINE BISSET commenting negatively about Hollywood society – called it, in fact, “trash”………just saw her in BULLITT with STEVE MCQUEEN, on DVD from the SFPL……..and Stephen gave me a copy of a worst-case scenario book about dating and sex for a mutual acquaintance………and he had me go ‘round to get a 12-buck bottle of Jagermeister……….had a taste of it – I’m a whiskey kinda guy…and then……o hotel friend Joe – hope he doesn’t mind me mentioning his name – listened to some, like, STEPPENWOLF, ELECTRIC PRUNES…shared whiskey…this music courtesy of lodge bro’ Pete…(continued next blog)….this is 130……..
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Number 129…….four-eighty-three Guerrero, at BUILD – art show – check ‘em out…….good happenings there, fo’ sho’………..in fact, a lotta art all around in there – at MIMI BARR….ADOBE BOOKS…….all that fine area, in the 16th and Valencia area…….and from NATURE’S FIRST LAW – e-mail……..RAW ORGANIC CACAO…………..GOOGLE on DAVID WOLFE…….25 bucks for a pound bag…….and from THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY, FACTORY MADE is waiting for me to pick up – WARHOL, ANDY, and THE SIXTIES……..saw this a while back at CITY LIGHTS up in NORTH BEACH, but it’s free for th’ picking up at the Main Branch of the library down there, thee, at Groove and Mr. Hyde………and DUSTIN WELLS or WELLES from NEW COLLEGE is gonna have a BIG FREE BEER KICKOFF when his book comes out – be there or not be a sphere……….and hello to the wonderful AMY TIPTON from there as well……and CS, an individual of few words, sent me his number…….and MIKE CROMWELL might need to check his in-box ‘cause my message didn’t get through – out there in Hayward……..and message from JCB –
PADDY bartending there (or not) – and ALLAN PAUL or ALLEN – is the owner……..
and JOE-ALBERT ALVAREZ was there with my buddy JCB……….
nice place – go there,
when in North Beach –
well, now – plenty more to relate,
but, like, um, yeah –
just gotta fill up a few more lines of this…….
.how about some IAMBIC PENTAMETER?
In honor of,
and San Francisco:
“…….beyond the golden gate, it’s platinum/because the Western will is far from dumb……………………
Friday, September 17, 2004
September 17, two-thousand-four…..ten minutes after 11 in the morning……at 170 OTIS…….blog number one-twenty-eight in this current series…..from THE EXAMINER this morning: BARRY BONDS still seeking his 700th homer; RAMONES article – recent death of Johnny Ramone – got a CD of theirs from the SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY right now; BILL PICTURE celebrity news about AVRIL LAVIGNE, MADONNA, JESSICA SIMPSON, SCARLETT JOHANSSON, MARIAH CAREY…..just checked out a recent pictorial featuring Simpson in one of those magazines that don’t show everything – pretty hot; P.J. CORKERY column – CODY’S BOOKS of BERKELEY to, reportedly, open a shop in San Francisco – at the former Planet Hollywood,near THE VIRGIN MEGASTORE; plan to cut mercury discharges into the bay here; police seeing a rise in stolen goods being sold on eBay – changes in the THOMAS JEFFERSON image on the nickel – the back of the coin is also changing – picture of an ocean with the caption “Ocean in view! O! The joy!”….a reference to Lewis & Clark – CHARLIZE THERON picture from her new movie, and she’s filming AEON FLUX now – and a review of the GHOST IN THE SHELL sequel; and now, the paper being done with, other material: going back to yesterday, me with the leftover of a bottle of BACARDI 151 PUERTO RICAN RUM – first I’ve ever had – about twice as strong and twice the cost of ANCIENT AGE KENTUCKY WHISKEY – having that rum with COCA-COLA, like in the, I think, ANDREWS SISTERS song…….and listening to BACHMAN-TURNER OVERDRIVE live on cassette, courtesy of ODD FELLOWS LODGE BROTHER PETE SELLARS…….he’s been turning me on to many, many cassettes of music – just got a call from him saying he’s got even more waiting for me at the lodge hall at 7th and Market, can pick ‘em up anytime…….he just yesterday gave me 15 tapes, including DEF LEPPARD, MOTLEY CRUE, POLICE (the SYNCHRONICITY album)…………….and in other news: JEFFERSON HOTEL GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN SAMUEL said some of the residents of the fine establishment didn’t want me mentioning their names, so I will skip that, except for those who don’t mind the mention, including Mr. Samuel…..and continued to enjoy the BTO – MISSISSIPPI QUEEN covered by them excellently, and also the live versions of YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET and TAKIN’ CARE OF BUSINESS were new and very enjoyable; then into some JOHNNY WINTER – the tape was called SCORCHIN’ BLUES, and lives up to the name…….then some of that Motley Crue – LIVE WIRE is the name of a song, which could be an AC/DC reference – also, the cover is a tribute or comment on the STICKY FINGERS cover by THE ROLLING STONES – that is, by ANDY WARHOL – close-up of a guy’s pelvic area………and, additionally, am REALLY impressed with solo VINCE NEIL work on EXPOSED, another of Pete’s cassettes – Motley Crue is an interesting band – there’s a good book out about them that’s worth looking in to if you are into rock and roll journalism……….and, and……..another tape is called MORE ELECTRIC SIXTIES, featuring classic, really classic tracks from that decade, including CREAM with WHITE ROOM………and LITA FORD was included in the recent batch from Brother Pete…….and PROCUL HARUM……….then hotel mate came over – name deleted – not sure if he wants the mention……..went out, I did, to get whiskey, he wanted a 9-volt battery at THE LITTLE FLEA MARKET there at Eddy and Leavenworth…….and got a call from friend – down to meet her at UNITED NATIONS PLAZA……we headed over to ANANDA FUARA, sat down, even, but it was too busy, so we headed up to RED JADE at Church and Market for fine Chinese food…….friend offered a deal: ten bucks to put up BIKRAM
Friday, September 17, 2004 (page 2 of 2)
YOGA flyers – accepted……….so up to Red Jade – paused at THE TWILIGHT ZONE to inspect their selection of SALVIA DIVINORUM…….and thought to myself about ALVIN TOFFLER, his POWERSHIFT, and FUTURE SHOCK – told friend Toffler’s Sixties book is still relevant…….then this and that……..friend accompanied me while I taped up the yoga flyers……..paused at VALENCIA STREET BOOKS to see the fine cat there, getting bigger all the time, and sleeker……..paused also during that excursion down Valencia Street at BORDERLANDS, the science fiction and fantasy bookstore, to see RIPLEY, another amazing and unique cat………..and friend gave me a copy of a locally-produced Mission comic book from SFHOODIECORE@YAHOO.COM - gonna write the guy and comment on his work…………and thought of a line for something: “SHE COULD USE HANDLING,I COULD USE CASH.” And turns out I only put up half the flyers and gave my friend back 5 of her dollars. Then various and ultra-whatevers not noted………to the Jefferson to see the two movies for the night, THE JOHNSON FAMILY VACATION (with CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER) and SOUL PLANE (with SNOOP DOG and TOM ARNOLD among many others)……..Manager Brian had provided hot dogs and salami for us for free – I try to tend to the non-carnivorous but I had 2 of them meaties anyway, with the fixings………SHANNON ELIZABETH was notable in the first film – stone cold fox, and funny as, like, f*ck………..then up to the room – had one of the prescription aspirins someone had given me – he said they were aspirins, but they weren’t no ordinary ones……..guess I felt the effect – anyone in the house have VICODIN? And mention of SPECIES 3 in one of the films – ad, I mean, before a flick – that should be good – perhaps to star the excellent….geez, her name skips my mind just now – she was also in the great TV series SPY GIRLS, or whatever the name was………she was in a Jean-Claude Van Damme flick…….whatever……..then to sleep……….up at half-past nine this morning – awake earlier but I was drifting in and out of sleep – listened again to the audio of RICHARD CARLSON’s DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF……..turned on KQED radio……..had sexual fantasies aplenty, but didn’t touch myself…………Vulcan mind meld reference on KQED by some Democratic political consultant……..and coming up later, tho’ I didn’t hear it, Kevin Starr with a new book about CALIFORNIA called COAST OF DREAMS – history, covered 1990 to two-thousand-and-three………..and did a few push-up……………..groomed myself a bit – then down on the bike to the artisan and antique event at United Nations Plaza – saw my bookselling friend STEPHEN HENEL there, we chatted a bit……he had, for twenty bucks, an apple of my eye, THREE LOOSE WOMEN………from Pocket Books – and I wondered just how hardcore any text of that genre could be from Pocket, y’know? And Stephen showed me a magazine with an article about his own comic book company from a few years back – featuring a strong female character who I found appealing……….then to 170 Otis for this………..thought of some phrase: “….women-luvvin’, whiskey-drinkin’, music-listenin’, bicycle-ridin’, blog-writin’…………” – and whatever………..so that’s about where this all sits and stands and lies and rides for now……..it’s Friday, tho’ most days are kinda the same to me now…….very infrequently do I have to be anywhere specifically, and that is the way I like it………gotta “date” with a judge on November 15th…….not a “hot date”, tho’, ha ha ha……….
Thursday, September 16, 2004
#127 in this current series of STARPLANE BLOGS……courtesy of the beautiful people at 170 otis, great crew here….recommended for the free job search computers – six stations, professional atmosphere, child care……now: the font here is Algerian – not available when this is transferred into the blog – I type this out first in a microsoft word file, then move it over….170 otis doesn’t have my current favorite, art deco – really reminds me of the sixties, that font does – anyway: got the Alyssa milano virus again – f*ck – was waiting last night at the Jefferson to watch blade runner and BULLITT – my choices, taken by me from the san Francisco public library – was waiting in the lobby and a resident was attending to a stack of magazines that he subscribed to, including fhm, WHICH FEATURED miss milano on the cover – had to read the interview – many interesting and revealing facts encountered about her psyche…….learned also that fhm is not one of the felix dennis publications –those would be stuff and maxim – INTERESTING BRITISH PUBLISHER IS Mr. Dennis…..some kind of rock and roll connection, and he is in the process of planting thousands and thousands of trees in England…….anyway…….Alyssa.com is her official site………..and this reminds me – there should be some sequel to blade runner, only this time, all the replicants are women – give some good work to the actresses of Hollywood and san Francisco…..get to work on it, you all, and I will be happy…….so I was out the door of the hotel this morning on my 5 buck bicycle – kay flagged me down on the way out – she’s a tenant representative of some kind – she says she’s got tickets for the san Francisco symphony to give away – I didn’t want ‘em – not my style…..i’d be bored with the show, probably……….and left a note for hotel mate Edward sanchez, who spent a good hour with me yesterday in my room, drinking whiskey, talking – and he tuned my bike well as well…….he’s going down to his family place in mexico for a while, on the pacific coast………and also in the lobby, Edwina and Thomas – they took the symphony tickets – and hotel manager brian Samuel was in the lobby then as well – nice shirt he had on, the kind I like…….and maintenance man gabe there as well……….and then a short ride to united nations plaza – Stephen henel was there selling paperbacks – hadn’t seen him for a while, good to see him back at that task – nice 10 buck grace slick autobiography there……….got myself an iced tea from the store there on the plaza – gave the empty can to a lady recycling, and she smiled at that…….then to 170 otis – had to wait 25 minutes for a computer, so I biked it down to rainbow for rejuvelac – they were out, so I got myself a Guinness…….asked a woman at the freezer unit when rejuvelac would be stocked again – she didn’t respond – I asked again, and turns out she’s not a rainbow worker, she’s just delivering the sushi into the place……..then drinking the dublin beverage, back over to 170 otis – drank the drink, waited outside – two women with little kids were there outside as well, talking on cell phones – I had my baby, my bike, and called my buddy Carson, who drives for luxor cabs……and in other news: was at glide church yesterday for food – picked up a copy of central city extra…..saw Jefferson resident Mario outside in his wheelchair – Italian fellow, not in the best of health, but a sweet individual……and thinking of frank sinatra – gotta get a book about him……..and neighbor steve watched the two flicks last night, and he’s pretty particular about what cinema he views…….had a good meeting of the minds with him – liked a line of his: “I didn’t live this long to be wrong……..” – and neighbor and tenant rep prince recommended a beverage last night, bacardi 151 puerto Rican rum – got some of that – more powerful than the whiskey, and more expensive, but less needs to be drunk…..and thought of titles for whatever: a kind of city, and also pilgrim process…………..and in THE EXAMINER this morning: mayor newsom is taking more action to get movie-making back to san Francisco; barry bonds still at number six-ninety-nine in the home run contest; winona ryder mentioned in the bill picture celebrity section – color photo – she was at some new york fashion show – she’s another who could play a replicant, or perhaps a replicant hunter – along with, like, Catherine zeta-jones, and any number of others; avril lavigne seen showing off some diamond engagement ring; Christopher caen column – always a must-read; problem with kryptonite bicycle locks reported – they are too heavy for my cycling taste; more about the mayor and movies – photo of him with the new director of the city’s film office…more later.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
…………this is the next in this series………what is the number? It is one-twenty-six……..this font is ADVISOR BLACK SSI, in case you were in the least interested………now: current keywords – CARLSON, RICHARD – as in DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF…….available in audio cassette form from THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY…..and NEWCASTLE BROWN ALE – not bitter – drinking it is called, if the label on the bottle is correct, “walking the dog”……..and LEVI’S – got a pair, found a pair, “groundscored” it, as my new acquaintance Will Twain calls it, on the very streets of San Francisco – tight as they can get…….and bought this morning EVIAN at NEW PRINCESS for a buck and 59 cents – had half – meant not to drink alcohol today but I got a can of beer – a bottle, that is, of COORS…….then whiskey – just bought my second ½ pint of ANCIENT AGE a few minutes ago……and hello to Walter at the JEFFERSON HOTEL front desk……and read P.J. CORKERY this morning – mentioned, he did, in THE EXAMINER, hippies, the negative George Harrison reaction to the ones in this city, back then, in the Sixties……got into my Carlson again – good self-help sound…….and from Don DeLillo, audio of his novel COSMOPOLIS – amazing work, from both writer and performer of the text……….and shaved this morning for the first time in weeks and weeks…….and mailed a letter to my old hippie friend RIGBY – and did some conscious breathing – see GAY HENDRICKS for the audio version of that…….and did a few push ups this morning – getting good exercise on my 5 buck bicycle….spent a buck and 15 cents for that beer……hello to my acquaintance GATOR at the COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER – he goes back years to the glory days of the FILLMORE….a real jazz man………..and spent a buck for a priestly-looking psychedelic scarf near 222 Hyde……..near Hastings, the law school………..and to check on Twain, Will Twain, new acquaintance, see HOMELESSIMAGES.COM – great site – who needs a home? Just checked that site – well, I thought Will said he was under the name “Twain” in this site, but I don’t see him – whatever – had a good talk with him – he’s been around – Paris, New York…….gave him my number, maybe he’ll call…….liked him, tho’ we are very different people…….and at the HEART OF THE CITY FARMERS’ MARKET today, enjoyed a sample of PETALUMA FETA cheese…..and listened to BHAKTI YOGI playing his guitar……..JAGAD GURU is linked to him…….and also, happening, THE MOSTEST HOSTESSES MEET THE LEAST PRIESTS – check it out……..and whiskey for me and for neighbor STEVE at the Jefferson……with Washington State chips – not Lay’s – and today was coffee day at the Jefferson….enjoyed the caffeine with my Ancient Age…….and checked the new tape given me by night man Keith – instrumentals, he labeled it – JAMES BOND film music…….including the humorour CASINO ROYALE theme………and bought 7 empty cassette cases for tapes I have without cases – this at the LITTLE FLEA MARKET at the corner of Leavenworth and Eddy……then to Joe’s room for a repeated viewing of the very good I’M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKA………ISAAC HAYES and CHRIS ROCK are in it, and also JIM BROWN, KEENAN IVORY WAYAN, DAMON WAYANS…..BERNIE CASEY……..and many others……spent 2 or 3 bucks for it on Hyde recently – well worth it – my copy of STONE COLD with BRIAN BOSWORTH is missing – paid 5 for that…….gonna assemble a video library in Joe’s room…….later……….or sooner………………….
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
#125………doing this at the worth-mentioning COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER run by THE NETWORK ASSOCIATES on Eddy near Leavenworth…..one of the very good things about THE TENDERLOIN – 11 fine computers, Internet access for anyone off the street…..many classes in computer use available, beautiful staff, kind folks……..just finished watching a movie with hotel friend Joe – THE TAO OF STEVE – a real chick flick, I guess you could say – remembered when it came out about 3 years ago – sounded interesting – got a bit bored with it, but it’s just the right kind of labor of love that should go down well with many in the right mood….Joe pretty much hated it…..got it free from THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY……..now…….got some whiskey on my mind – after this, gonna get a small bottle, some Coke to cut it with…….then go back to my room, listen to music, get into the groove……..no e-mails to report just now……..and from earlier today: friend and I at RAINBOW GROCERY – she bought an avocado and some Guerneville hummus, and we shared a KOMBUCHA…..then back to 170 Otis to see if the printer was up – had been there earlier, did a page of this blog…….wanted ten copies to distribute……..then to the Main Branch of the library – renewed two books by J. KRISHNAMURTI…….feeling more conscious of my *ss since I have got on tight Levi’s I found this morning………and must mention last night, the reading of autobiographical work by SONNY BARGER – interesting take on life – got a friend who despises the Hell’s Angels, but Sonny has got, I think, a real true perspective…..he has very little good to say about Hunter S. Thompson, which I found interesting…….then back to the Jefferson Hotel, hello to Walter at the front desk, and maintenance man Thai was there, and general manager Brian Samuel…….and saw the above-mentioned Joe, went over to Glide for a meal, then over to the library for that video….being a nice guy, gave Joe a buck to get a Steel Reserve to go along with the flick……..not much particularly else to note just now………….I’ve been carrying a recent P.J. Corkery column about photographer Edmund Shea – he captured Lenny Bruce, Richard Brautigan, Janis Joplin………Mr. Corkery quotes E.M. Forster: “I believe in aristocracy. Not an aristocracy of power, based upon rank and influence, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the consider and the plucky.” And also: “They are sensitive for others as well as for themselves, they are considerate without being fussy, their pluck is not swankiness but the power to endure, and they can take a joke.” Nice……….and now, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while in this blog – list the books and other library items I have out now and comment on them briefly: THE WARLORD OF MARS on audio cassette – the EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS novel – unabridged – fantastic science fiction – quite an imagination did this guy have; FOUR FILMS BY ANTHONY BALCH – featuring the other Burroughs, William – experimental work on video cassette from the Sixties – wild stuff – Joe watched it with me, but he isn’t familiar with the work of Burroughs, but I am, and could pick up on a lot of interesting detail – features Brion Gysin; COSMOPOLIS – audio cassette version of the Don DeLillo novel – another amazing wordsmith – not quite my cup of tea – years ago someone recommended White Noise; BULLITT on DVD – movie night tomorrow at the Jefferson, could play this along with Blade Runner; SAMUEL GOLDWYN – biography of the movie mogul; DAYS – a journal from Tangier by PAUL BOWLES; THE THREE IMPOSTERS by ARTHUR MACHEN – more wild fiction – mentioned in the VICTOR BOCKRIS biography of Keith Richard – Keith apparently taken by the “White Powder” section of the novel, as isn’t too surprising…and there are many more items to mention, but space’s gone 4 now.
#124 - 9/14/2004 1:15:51 PM….just back from a meal of vegetarian soup at MARTIN’S there on 16th and Potrero……….rode my bicycle over there, getting a lot of exercise……found a faded pair of Levi’s on Market this morning, got ‘em on now – used to be, that was the only pants I’d wear, the San Francisco originals – down in Los Angeles, that was pretty much it in the pants department – have since forgone them, but I’d have this pair for a while – a nice option – have got a wild orange strip of fabric functioning as a belt, a gift from a friend. Actually, the pants are so tight I don’t need a belt, but the orange serves as a fashion statement, an emblem of style. So: was at the Hall of Justice this morning dealing with the moving violation or whatever it was that happened to me in front of the Odd Fellows Building a while back, the day Pete Sellars and I first became acquainted – the fine is for about a hundred and eighty bucks – coulda paid this morning and have been done with it, but that’s big money to me, so I had to arrange a day with a judge, in November……..didn’t have to wait very long this morning to find this out – I had a book along, figuring I might have to wait for a coupla hours – but it was just a short wait in the traffic line……plenty of police around there – a lot of my idea of officers of the law come from movies like Dirty Harry and Bullitt and Blade Runner – the heroes of these flicks were all police officers……not your average officers, I guess. I had a bit of an interaction with a cop – guess it’s okay to call ‘em that – there are worse 3-letter words I could think of that they are called – I was wanting to lock up my bicycle in front of the Hall of Justice and an officer was leaving, walking in front of me – I asked him where I could park it, and he says, in a quite jaunty, whimsical manner, that I could park it anywhere. I smiled at that – “anywhere” encompasses a very wide range of possibilities…….anyway……..took care of that business – won’t have to face the judge for a coupla months now…….biked it up to Market – paused across from the Odd Fellows Building, and there was a painter rendering an image of the building itself – turns out he’s taking part in the upcoming big art show – just checked the list of the 55 artists participating – I think this one is Anthony Holdsworth………and I know Elizabeth Ashcroft from North Beach….and Zabrina Tipton I met at the last lodge meeting……….so then to the Main Branch of the library to return the book I was carrying, a Richard Carlson “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” one – this one particularly addressed to men……….and then to 170 Otis to use a computer – passed the Goodwill on Van Ness – September 18 and 19th 2 dollar an item clothing sale…….and it was busy at Otis, had to wait 45 minutes for a machine, so I left – headed to Glide for a meal – really long line there as well – decided to go across town to Martin’s, and got satisfaction there – two kinds of soup, the usual crowd – as I ate I reading a Jehovah’s Witness book about how youth can make their lives happier – don’t masturbate, that was one point made……..a bit of alcohol is okay with the Witnesses, apparently – wine is mentioned in the Bible in a positive context often……even beer and hard liquor seem to be okay in moderation to this sect…….and at the table I was eating at, a guy had a music box turned to a decent radio station – “Let’s Groove” by Earth, Wind, and Fire was one of the tracks……..and now here we are…….from The Examiner this morning: Mayor Gavin Newsom featured in article about him getting out to neighborhoods personally to see about sprucing ‘em up – and he is pushing some sort of “clean and green” campaign to make the city nicer; brief news item about an off-duty police officer stabbed right near the Hall of Justice, oddly enough; Charlize Theron injured on the set of her new movie, Aeon Flux, based on the MTV cartoon; Pink celebrated her 25th birthday; Mayor Newsom named leaders of 2 commissions; and an editorial critical of the Guardian Angels………….the writer thinks there should be more actual police enforcement and not just a volunteer group like the Angels………..and been carrying today, the P.J. Corkery tribute to one Edmund Shea – new name to me – some sort of photographer of note………and to fill out this page: watched 3 episodes of Fawlty Towers on a library video last night with hotel friend Joe – John Cleese is way, way, way off the hook in this; and hello to all you naughty and nice nymphos out there – flag me down; hello to Chris with ALIEN SEX CULT – been listening to his excellent CD; got a call from Pete Sellars about a trip to Point Arena the lodge is taking – he invited me, but that 2 and a half hour ride one way is too much for me – I like keeping it local, bro’…….and that’s about it for now – we’re on the same page, y’all……..
Monday, September 13, 2004
#123 - statistics:
Class Listing For Chris Bertram By University Corporation Version Chronology By Prestige
The University Of Maryland
1985 Parapsychology
1986 Concepts In Computing
1987 Computer Applications In Management
1988 The Uses Of Information In A Democratic Society
1988 Computer Applications In Education And Training
1991 Logic/ Psychology-Critical Thinking
1991 Space Time + The Universe-Relativity
1992 Assembly Language/ Introduction To Computer Organization
1992 Assembly Language Programming Laboratory
1993 Introduction To Computer Science
1993 Graphic Design For The Macintosh
1993 Disease
1993 Introduction To Archaeology
1994 Genetics
1994 General Organic Chemistry
1994 Introduction To Biological Anthropology
1994 Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
1995 Einsteinian Revolution
1995 Calculus + Analytical Geometry
1995 Introduction To Computer Programming
1995 Calculus + Analytical Geometry
Merritt College
1988 The History Of Asian Americans
1988 Elementary Algebra
1988 Composition And Reading
1988 Intermediate Algebra
1989 Composition And Reading
1989 Pre-Calculus
1989 Composition And Reading
1989 Pre-Calculus With Analytic Geometry
1990 Basic Human Anatomy And Physiology
1990 Introduction To Data Base Management
1990 Introduction To Sociology
1990 Group Discussion
Heald Institute Of Technology (Including Microsoft Corporation Approved Classes)
1994 Electronic Mathematics
1994 Computer Technology
1994 Electronics Laboratory
1994 Electronics
1994 Computer Technology Laboratory
1995 Computer Technology
1995 Electronics Fundamentals
1995 Computer Technology Laboratory
1995 Electronics Fundamentals Laboratory
1995 Semiconductor Electronics
1995 Semiconductor Electronics Laboratory
1995 Introduction To Programming
1995 Digital Electronics laboratory
1995 Digital Electronics
1995 Computer Systems Analysis
1995 Computer Systems Analysis Laboratory
1996 Communications Technology Laboratory
1996 Communications Technology
1997 Supporting NT Workstation
1997 Internetworking Microsoft TCP/ IP On Microsoft Windows NT
1997 Systems Management Server
1997 Suporting Windows 95
1997 Supporting NT Server
American River College
1981 Cultural Anthropology
1981 Principles Of Ecology
1981 Beginning Archery
1982 Introduction To Art
1982 Biological Concepts
1982 Physics For Industry
1982 Introduction To General Principles Of Psychology
1983 Introduction To Chemistry
1983 Chemical Calculation
1983 Introduction To Music
1983 Introduction To U.S. Government
1984 General Chemistry
1984 History Of The U.S.
1984 Elementary Algebra
1984 Biological Basis For Behavior
1984 Elementary Electronics
1984 Elementary Circuit Analysis
1984 Elementary Drawing And Composition
1984 Introduction To Data Processing
1984 Advanced Circuit Analysis
1984 Statistics For Behavior Sciences
1985 Chemical Calculation
1985 Weight Training
1985 Research Methods Of Psychology
Naval School Of Health Science
1985 Anatomy And Physiology
1985 Environmental Health
1985 Emergency care
1985 Drug Therapy
1985 Patient Care
1985 Laws Of Armed Conflict
1985 Substance Abuse
Fort Sam Houston Army Academy
1985 Basic Procedures In Clinical Chemistry
1985 Basic Procedures In Clinical Urinalysis
1985 Basic Procedures In Clinical Bacteriology
1985 Basic Procedures In Clinical Parasitology
1985 Basic Procedures In Clinical Serology
1985 Basic Procedures In Clinical Hematology
1985 Basic Procedures In Clinical ImmunoHematology
FAQS About Each Institution.
The University Of Maryland, I attended while in Japan. After working in the Hospital Laboratory, I would walk down the block and visit the University Extension, and computer laboratory. I would then go into town with my Japanese girlfriends, or “Dungeon and Dragons” team, mostly to sushi bars and drink Sake like a rock and roll star.
SFSU, was my dream come true. Everything was magical to me when I was there, and I wish there was more time for me to spend taking endless classes there. There is a pyramid of the sun there where you can sleep in the sun, with your books and girlfriends in tow. Meeting enlightened, and sharp girlfriends was the greatest thing to happen to me, as you get more conversation for your buck. The school bookstore always had student discount computers, software and books, of which I still use years later. For a Math Major, they have all calculators known to mankind.
Merritt College is the campus in the clouds in the Oakland Hills. This place is always alive with the idealism of transferring to a higher University. The library has a great selection. I finally caught on to Mathematics at Merritt.
Heald Institute is like your garage workshop with everything you could possibly want, but taken to the N-th degree. All current, equipment, tools, and computers are available with the latest software. It is serious get the job done style learning.
American River College was my first love. The chemistry department takes you to the absolute frontiers of all of science, and how it relates to everything. The history of science is brought out in vivid detail. This is where I learned the periodic table of elements, from the computer based training there in the chemistry department. I liked sleeping in the library, and the computer laboratory in the basement. They have a well-stocked lunchroom, and video game parlor. I took, Music, and Art there and learned about the D.J, and Music Business.
FAQ: One question I have fielded quite a lot in many years, usually from the criminally insane, sociopathic, or military enlisted, or prior enlisted, is “What about the Organic Chemistry background I have.”
I always ask, “what about it?” The classes and experiences I have in Organic Chemistry are for the detection of unknowns, not manufacturing of “bathtub gin” style illicit drugs. What people don’t realize is that if I wanted to make drugs, I would get a manufacturing license, or work in a chemical drug manufacturing plant. No one goes through Organic Chemistry Classes to make “crank.” The sociopath is usually quite concerned with using education, or training as a weapon, and is usually highly placed in an organization, while the more normal personality considers education as a tool for a productive job, and not a weapon to inflict on others in the workforce.Unfortunately the sociopath, is often undereducated for the position, or often, a misfit in society, yet placed in an authoritarian position. The “drug war” has made things extremely bad because now, every jelly jar in anyone’s kitchen is considered a tool for making speed. I would ask a question about “How someone’s kitchen could be made sterile for the said manufacturing operation?” Another problem I would ask the sociopath, is about the mirror image problem of organic molecules. Some molecule chains have an upper and lower mirror image as well as a left and right mirror image, and “How would the ”bathtub gin” style manufacturing technique eliminate that problem?”
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